Waking up

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(Superman/ Clark Kent)

As I got to the scene, there was fire everywhere, so I cleared it and whist doing that, I fought some of the super villains that Joker sent. It was tiring work but by the end of it, we got the Joker cornered.

(Aquaman/ Arthur Curry)

I only wanted to come because a member of our team was in danger here, if that wasn't the case, then I would have left and let 'the Bat' take care of it, but Diana might die if I did. I knocked out a few more of Jokers goones, when I saw that everyone had surrounded the Joker. I jogged up to them and saw that they were all tensing up for a big battle, when i noticed that Diana's finger moved.

(Cyborg/ Victor Stone)

The next second was filled with so much action, my system nearly fried itself trying to get it all. First, the Joker waffled on about how predictable Bruce was, Diana then opened her eyes, hovered above the Joker for a second and then rained all hell loose on him. We tried not to get involved, in fear that she would hurt us, but when she was finished, Bruce rushed up to her. She looked at him with wild eyes, whispered his name, then fell.

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