Chapter 3

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"So first, we have History of Zodiacs with the Air Class" The Piscean girls were rushing to get ready because they all overslept, now they only have 15 minutes before classes starts

"Have you girls seen my robe? I swear I put it here" Freya shouted

"It's here Frey" Jara shouted while getting all her books

"Next we have Potions with the Earth Class" Acantha continued reading their schedule while she was arranging her stuffs

Amery was finding her books and making her bed while Acantha continued reading the schedule and fixing her hair and finding her shoes, Jara also making her bed, Cybele was panicking cause she couldn't find her robes and books meanwhile Freya was cleaning Cy's mess.

"10 minutes guys!" Amery said as she looked at the wall clock

"Found it!" Cybele said and immediately wore it

"Let's go, we'll clean this up later" Acantha said and opened the door, They ran all the way to the school classrooms and looked for the History of Zodiacs classroom

"What the hell, where is our classroom? We've been finding it for how many minutes" Freya complained

"Im sweating!" Jara also complained while wiping her forehead

Amery looked around, there are 5 different doors in the corridor if they open the wrong one they'll get embarrassed and somehow scolded by the teachers, but they have no choice

As amery was about to open a random door in the corridor, she saw the rude guy and Rein enter the 3rd door. Amery realized that they were classmates so she followed them both

"This way" Amery said and led them to the third door

"Dear One." Amias greeted Amery when he saw her walking towards them "Well you guys had a rough first day" He said while looking at the five of them, they looked sweaty because of running and taking about a thousand steps on that huge staircase

"Come on bro" Rein said and tapped the Amias' chest, he raised his palm and waved it getting rid of their sweats

"Thanks" Amery said and smiled at him

"Don't mention it" He smiled back at Amery "Let's go?" He said and opened the door for them

"He's such a gentleman" Jara whispered

"I think he has a crush on you, Ams" Freya said and pinched her waist

"Do you want me to intoduce you to him?" Amery playfully asked making Freya roll her eyes at her

"The guy at the back looks jealous" Acantha whispered, They all looked at the person behind them, It was Amias giving us them a death glare

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