Chapter 3 - Moving in

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The car journey was a bore, my phone ran out of charge half way through so I had to listen to my dog, sammy, bark for the rest of the way.

When our car finally pulled up, I immediately scrambled out, needing a breath of fresh air.

"Cecilia, we need to get moving, it will be dark soon and we don't want to be unpacking at that time of night." My dad told me,
"Okay" I sighed, "I'm coming."

3 hours later...

"Mum! Dad! I've finished unpacking! I'm going to have a look around." I called down the stairs whilst I grabbed my purse.
"Don't be out for too long, we'll see you soon!" My dad replied.

We were going to paint my room red and maybe gold but I hadn't quite made up my mind yet, my parents decided to buy me a double bed, which I am not complaining about, and a new TV as a leaving home present. I had pictures of my old friends in a box, I was contemplating to put them up on the wall, but most of them have probably already forgotten me.

That reminds me, I need to ring Cara! I took my iPhone off charge and swung my purse over my shoulder. And dialled her number.

"Cara?" I squealed into the phone,

"Cecilia oh my gosh I miss you so much!"

"It's only been a day... Buuut I miss you loads and loads as well!"

"When can I come and visit?!" She immediately questioned.

"I don't know but definitely soon, oh my gosh I need to tell you something!" I shouted, causing quite a few curious states in my direction. Well it's not an everyday sight to see a teenage girl shouting into her mobile phone walking down the street... is it?

"Well tell me then!?" She laughed.

"Okay so before we left I sort of broke down and I just got angry and upset with everyone and stormed out" I took a deep breath,

"Go on..."

"Well I was at the park, you know, the park, and this boy came up to me to see if I was alright"

"Omg! Was he hot?" I giggled,

"Maybe?" I answered.

"He was wasn't he, did you get his number? Tell me you did!" She bombarded me with questions.

"Okay, Okay, no I didn't get his number, I got his name though."


"He's called Brad Simpson"

"Oh My Gosh! Do you know who that is?!" She gabbled, I looked at my phone. Seeing as I only had 25 percent battery to start with, I now only had 5 and I didn't want to waste it.

"Shit Cara! I have to go, I'll talk to you later"

"Wait Cecilia-" but I had already ended the call.

Hey guys, so I thought this chapter was a bit different with the phone call and all, what did you guys think if it? I realised I hadn't put a description on Cecilia's character yet so I added some bits to the fist chapter, I also edited the second chapter a bit but if you want to know what Cecilia looks like it will be in the first chapter.

I decided I would update everyday since I have the Christmas holidays at the moment do if you want to know when I update add my story to your library 😽

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