🚚Move In Day 🚚

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Tania POV

I sat outside my mom's new house waiting for the moving people. Sata, Avi, and my Mom were waiting with me. They were supposed to be here 30 mins ago and a bitch was getting irritated.

"Mom, what's going on, " I questioned my mom concerned on why they weren't here yet.

"I called they asserted me they were on their way but in traffic, " My mom told me.

I nodded my head hoping what my mom said was genuine. Just then they pulled up and I sighed. We all got up and walked up to the truck. Avi walked up to me and put his arm over my shoulder pulling me in closer.

"Mamas try not to go off on these people ma" Avi whispered in my ear with underlying firmness in his voice

"Okay Imma try," I said laughing at how well he knew me

The people talked to my mom I guess explaining to her why THE FUCK THEY WERE SO LATE. After they cleared that up they started moving all our stuff in and we just directed them, Avi helped them though.


Finally, we moved all our stuff in. Must I say though my room was definitely getting redecorated. Looked childish asf. Avi came in and sat on my bed while I continued standing looking around. He stared at me a while before he yanked me down onto his lap.

"Aviiiii STAWPPP, " I shrieked

"I know that face, what's wrong," He explained

I sighed " I don't know how to feel, this room it just doesn't feel like me, "

"That's for sure, look what is that... a Bow Wow picture, "

"He was like a childhood crush"

" ohhhh is that right "

" mhmm Tupac, Eazy E, and Ski mask going up their now"

"Girl stop playing wit me you better have a picture of me right up there" he said pointing to the ceiling

" mhmm sureeeee" almost instantly after I said that I felt tickles under my arm and EVERYWHERE ELSE

" AVII OH MY GOSHHHH" I yelped laughing and squirming uncontrollably

"Who going on to wall hmm" he said kissing my cheek

" YOU, YOU A'VION SHIT STOP" I said tears falling out my eyes

" thats what I thought "

"Your so fucking annoying" I rolled my eyes laughing

" mhmm get some rest cause I'm taking you room shopping tommorow"


"yep foreal now give Daddy a kiss" he said leaning down

" alright bye get out" I calmly stated as I threw a pillow at him

" Okay okay but you better be ready tomorrow or we fighting foreal"


Y'all I'm sorry I've been tryna get all my credits so I can go to 9th grade on time not to mention writers block

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