Chapter 5

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no one's pov

oh no it's error and fresh "you better teleport buddy or else" error said so reaper teleported away geno then gulped "so bruh wanna explain why you was gonna kiss that dude" fresh said  "i know what happned me and my boyfriend reaper were hanging out when he came and tried to kiss my boyfriend" life said so then error and fresh turn to geno so geno ran and his brothers ran after him as geno was running he saw him dust so geno ran the other way so he wouldn't see him when geno got to his house  saw nightmare,dust,error,and fresh oh no now geno was in trouble so he teleported to error's boyfriend's house or known as ink's house "ink are you in here!" geno said please be here "i'm in my art room!" a kind voice said yes he's here so geno ran in ink's art room "hey ink" geno said as ink turned his head he saw is best friend "hey geno what you up to?" as geno was about to answer they heard someone kocking on the door  so ink got up to answer the door but whe he opened the door geno ran to ink's room as ink saw his ruru  "error what are you doing here?"ink said "nothing"error said as geno hid in ink's room he looked out window he saw fresh,dust,and nightmare" what to do" geno thought as he thought he saw reaper in ink's room "hey geno" reaper said huh "what are you doing here" geno said "oh here to save you"reaper said laughing so he graded geno and teleported them to his house.

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