TJ blinks his eyes open to a light shining in his face and the sound of muffled voices around him. He's on the ground though he doesn't remember falling during all of the clamorings. He goes to wipe his face, but his nose is throbbing something fierce and it won't stop bleeding. He's like pretty sure that it's broken. One of his teammates has called for the nurse, who comes over with a ziplock baggie full of ice from the first aid cooler for him to press against his face.

The old him would be ready for a fight. The old him would be prepared to hunt Todd down after the game to beat him to a pulp with an attitude the size of a championship trophy and Reed by his side. The old him would be burning on the inside out with shame and rage and enough mustered-up hate to pummel the guy right there on the court, especially when Cyrus is watching, probably because Cyrus was watching.

When he stands up with help from James and the school nurse to be led over to the bench, his mom is already rushing down the stairs of the bleachers to get closer to him and have a word with the coach. He lets his eyes roam back to his boyfriend who is looking at him with so much worry TJ could have wondered if he'd died out on the court.

A smile directed at his boyfriend, as bloody and crusty as it may be, is enough for some of the tension to seep from Cyrus's shoulders. TJ feels himself relax as well, even as a headache starts thrumming near his temples. The same can't be said for his mom who is storming over to him now, looking even more worried than before.

"Thel—" His mother isn't known for hysterics, but she is a veritable ball of emotion.

"I'm fine."

"You're fine? Baby, you're bleeding all over your jersey. That's not fine."

"It's just a lil bloody nose," TJ argues, embarrassed.

"Thel, move your hand."

"It's fine," he tries again. He knows he's only stalling the inevitable, but the ice is a soothing sting to the ache of his pounding face.When this is all over, he just knows his nose is going to bruise like when he used to play field hockey and get hit in the eye with the full force of the puck.

"Kippen," and that's his mom's no-nonsense voice.

The team is watching the back and forth between him and his mom. He's a Mama's Boy, he knows that. What he didn't know was that he could still get embarrassed by it. Being in high school was never going to change him and his mother's relationship, he thought liking Cyrus might but its clear that's not the case either. So what's with this feeling. He hasn't felt like this in he doesn't know how long. Not since he and Cyrus have become exclusive at least. That much he's sure of. Cyrus keeps him grounded. Makes him feel unjudged. Safe.

Like the thought summoned him, Cyrus places a hand on TJ's shoulder and motions for him to move his hand and the ice pack from his nose even though he winces at the sight of blood. TJ shoves back the embarrassment in favor of letting his mom and his boyfriend take care of him. He sighs as he drops his hand from the wreckage on his face.

"Ah, geez, baby," says his mom softly. "It's definitely broken. 'Just a lil blood,' you said. What am I gonna do with you, huh?"

The crowd around them lessens as the coach clears him to the bench or to go home for the rest of the night. The game has to continue with or without him and with his sight going fuzzy around well...everything, it's best he take the break for what it is.

"Happens to the best of us, kid. I'm just glad you got back up without whaling on'em!" His coach thumps the shoulder that Cyrus isn't leaning on while TJ's mom gathers their things to leave.

"Yeah," agrees Cyrus closer to his ear. "Me too."


Cyrus is chattering excited yet quietly on a video call with Andi and Buffy, his free hand running through TJ's freshly washed hair as he sleeps off the ache in his head and bandaged nose.

"Every time he doesn't punch someone, I think a baby is born," Buffy says, agreeing to Cyrus's long tirade about how good TJ is doing this year in comparison to when they had all first met him.

"Two babies," Andi adds.

"And a fairy," Buffy continues.

"Maybe three babies!" Andi corrects.

"Triplets," Buffy coos.

"Gu~ys," whines Cyrus playfully. "He wasn't that bad, just a little scary."

"Of course you'd say that," Andi teases, "you guys are boyfriends now."

Buffy can't hold back her guffaw as they both watch Cyrus turn redder than a tomato. If they weren't his best friends he thinks he would maybe consider hanging up on them. They talk for a little while longer before TJ begins shifting in Cyrus's lap and he decides he should probably get off the phone and let his boyfriend properly rest. In his own bed. Alone.

Cyrus runs his hands through TJ's hair one last time before finally shaking his shoulder to wake him up and direct him towards his mattress.

"You leaving?" TJ says, voice raspy and still groggy from his nap as he follows Cyrus's direction from the floor to the bed, flopping down face first, his bleary eyes on Cyrus.

"Yeah, you need rest."

"I can rest with you here."

"Then...I need rest. And so does your mom. She's worried about you, but I bet she doesn't want to come up here and make it weird since she knows we're dating now."

"No, I asked her not to come up here 'cause I was gonna nap and that you'd protect me from any stray basketball that tries deck me in my sleep."

"And she was okay with that?"

"As long as the doors open," says TJ, closing his eyes again.


"Yeah. We're good, Underdog. Promise. Now c'mon  sleepover."

Cyrus is smiling to himself as he makes the call to his own parents to let them know what's going on. The video call rings twice before his dad pops up, then his mom, then he's staring at four pairs of parental eyes and it isn't as unnerving as Andi or Buffy seem to think.

It's a close-knit neighborhood and his parents trust him, it doesn't take any convincing to let him stay. Though they all request that the Kippens join them for a family brunch so they can make sure TJ's really okay. Cyrus thinks about how scared he'd been to tell his parents that he's gay, but how quickly they'd taken to it. That with all their degrees that would typically tell them otherwise, they still love him. As if it was never a choice. When they say things like this, he can see that it isn't. That their love for him was never in question.

Cyrus whispers at the lump in the bed when he's finally off the phone. "Hey, I need a blanket." He huffs a breath trying to convince himself not to go bother Mrs. Kippen with this. He glances back over at TJ who looks peaceful, sprawled across the bed, even with the purpling bruise spreading across the middle of his face. It's absolutely adorable, albeit a little annoying now that Cyrys is trying to get his attention.

That's when his boyfriend strikes. TJ pulls Cyrus down onto the bed, tucking him close to his chest.

"We can share mine." He cuddles into Cyrus' hair and the smaller boy can't contain his laughter.

"Tee~j," Cyrus whines through breathy giggles. "Cut it o-o-out!"

"Make me," challenges TJ, but as soon as Cyrus lifts his hands and wiggles his fingers in preparation of a tickle attack the taller boy surrenders.

The smart part of him knows that they're too young to want forever, but the rest of him still wishes for it to be like this.

Warm. Soft. Happy.


yo futher muckers
i knotw it's been ages
ive been mentally unwell

but currently have covid so...
free writing time cause i can't do anything strenuous lol

hope yall enjoy 😂
only a few more chappies
love yall

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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