Chapter 10 finale part 2

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(y/n) POV:

I ran for a good 15 minutes until I made it to the decoy. I kick open the door and froze at the sight. It was all the girls, all bruised up, bloodied, and laying unconscious on the floor. I was in complete shock and terror. I saw Slenda and ran towards her. I shook her. Nothing happened. I shook her again. Nothing. I start to tear up a bit, fearing the worst. I then heard a laugh on my right side and turned my head. I then saw a group of girls that I assumed to be Zalga's proxies. "What happened to your little girlfriend" she said mockingly "who the hell are you?!" I asked enraged "I'm scarecrow. This is the rake, Nina the killer, and homicidal Lou" she said "alright, now I have your names that I'll put on your TOMBSTONES!!!" I shouted before pulling my gun on them and firing. Scarecrow chopped up all my bullets, not even leaving a scratch on any of them. I was in shock, but still didn't care. I was out already cause I didn't expect for them to cut up my bullets. I then threw my gun away and ran up to them in pure rage. The rake then slashed its claws on my, but did minimal damage because of my vest. I grabbed its wrist and broke its arm. It screeched in pain. I then threw it across the mansion and it landed face first into a wall. Lou then slashed my arm. I barely flinched. I then gave her a death stare. She looks at me in shock. I then grab her neck and choke slammed her into the floor, leaving a small crater. Nina then climbed on my and almost stabbed me in the neck, but I blocked it and she stabbed my shoulder instead. I yelled in pain, but kept pushing. I grab her and toss her towards a flight of stairs leading upwards. Her back slammed into it and it looked like I might've broken her spine. Scarecrow then slashed at my chest, but did nothing. I grab her scythe and tried to pull it out of her grip, but failed and got flung towards a wall. She then ran towards me and slashed at my torso repeatedly, doing minimal damage to my chest. She stopped out of exhaustion. I took this time to grab her scythe and ripped it out of her grip. I then slashed her torso and sliced her in half. The rake then came free from the wall and charged at me. It slashed my face, leaving me with a scar. I then slashed it hands off and both it's legs. I left it there to die slowly. Lou then stood up and lunged at she. She knocked me to the ground and nearly stabbed me in the head, but I blocked it and stabbed me in the ear lobe instead. I then punch her in the face and grabbed the knife. I stood up and threw it at her. She caught it and threw it back. It stabbed me in the forearm. I pull it out and lunged towards her. I knocked her down and stabbed her in the head. Nina then crawled towards me and bit me in the leg. I stepped on her repeatedly until her head caved in. I stood there, panting like a dog in Arizona. I looked at the girls and saw them looking at me with pure terror. "What?!" I asked angry. They pointed to my face. I took out my phone and opened up the camera app. I flipped the camera to selfie mode and saw how my face looked. My eyes were blood shot, my skin was red, like I was an angry Vince McMahon, and my pupils were red. I looked at my face in pure terror. I calm down and my face slowly turned back to normal. I then heard something behind me. I turned around and saw Zalga 15 feet away from me. She looked straight at me, pissed as hell. I knew that I was in a world of shit. She lunged towards me while screaming. She slashed at me and destroyed my vest. She then grabbed my helmet and crushed it in her hand. She then punched my chest repeatedly. I felt horrible pain and thought "well, this is how I'm gonna die I guess" until a miracle happens. Slenda lunged towards Zalga and knocked her to the ground. I lay down hurt as hell. I adjust myself so I can see what happening. I then saw Slenda beating the hell out of Zalga like an angry hulk on steroids. After a bit, Zalga kicks her off and punched her repeatedly, Slenda punched her back, and vise versa for a few minutes until Zalga kicks her and knocks her to the ground. She then proceeds to choke Slenda. I then feel an adrenaline rush and slowly got up. I limp towards then as fast as I could. I make it towards then and used the rest of my adrenaline to give Zalga the hardest punch I've ever done. She goes flying into a wall. I go up to Slenda and comfort her. She coughs a bit. "It's alright" I repeated until I hear Zalga run towards me. I shoot her a death stare that stops her right in her tracks. I then let go of Slenda and slowly walk towards her. She throws stuff at me, but does nothing. She trips on some rubble on the ground and falls on her ass. She still backs away from me, but I still keep going. She then backs into a corner and doesn't have a way to escape. She then opens a portal under her. "OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" I shout before I grab her right hand. The portal closes on her wrist and cuts off her hand. I hear a loud scream behind me. I turn around to see Zalga holding her wound, blood pouring from it and onto the floor. I slowly move towards her. She doesn't back away and just stares at me. I then move past her and grabbed the knife I embedded into Lou. I then move towards her again. I stopped until I was mere inches away. I then raised the hand that held the knife and was about to embed it into Zalga, until she put her hands up and yelled "ALRIGHT, I GIVE UP!!!". I stop and heard weeping from her. I then lowered my hand until it reached my waist. I then moved her hands away from her face and lifted up her chin. Tears rolled down her face as she continued weeping. I gave her a chuckle as her face turned slightly confused. "Well, isn't this ironic. A gigantic, powerful, unstoppable being like you reduced to a sobbing, little, pathetic wimp. In a way, it's like a rags to riches story. A person with the worst life, suddenly getting the best life imaginable. Don't you find that funny?" I asked. I then made her head nod with my hand. "I knew you did" I said. I then threw the knife into a wall. "That's why I'll spare you" I said "WHAT!!!" Shouted all the girls behind me. Zalgas face than lit up. "Thank you" she whispered before standing up "but..." I said before holding up a finger "'ll be our personal servant. You'll do anything we tell you to do without hesitation and you'll never complain, otherwise" I said before holding up a fist. She quickly nodded. "O-Of course" she said "alright, now take us back home" I demanded "of course, master" she said before opening up a portal. I then turned around and saw all the girls had a shocked expression on their faces. They stood up and slowly limped over to the portal. I then walked in and got immediately transported to the mansion. Zalga came last and the portal closed behind her. "Good job, now head up to the spare room and fix it up. That'll be where you'll be staying" I said "right away, master" she said before running up the stairs and into the room. "Now, Ann, go patch everyone up and yourself" I said "r-right away" she said before everyone limped up the stairs and into her room.

(Time skip, but big)

It has been a year since that incident and life has been better. Of course, there has been a few incidents with Zalga not obeying our commands, but we settled them and now she obeys everything we say. The others had fully recovered and is in great condition. Slenda and I had celebrated our 1 year anniversary. As for me, I've gotten more stronger and more armed, in case Zalga disobeyed. I celebrated my 22nd birthday and the girls offered to give me a "special present", but I knew what the meant and I told them "only with Slenda". I'm still suspicious that Zalga might disobey again, but I'm not too worried about it. Well, I gotta leave. Slenda's calling me for dinner.


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