Pang boy

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Ari' pov.

I looked around my now empty room. No memories I feel where made here. I stared blankly until I heard my mom call my name i walked downstairs and heard her humming a simular rhythm.

"Hun are you ready to go?" She asked sweetly as of she wasn't holding a deep dark secret.

"Yes." I replied barely giving her a glance and walking over to the car.

We where on the road for 2 hours. Her trying to make small talk with me and me giving her my simple yes and no responses.

"Remember when we get there you need to act. None of your blank Bull." She said strictly.

I slowly nodded my head as we pulled up to the big house.

We where greeted by tae and his dad.

"Thank you for making my mom so happy!" I said cheerfully. Discustd by my own words.

We walked in as I observed the large house. Simply designed and very neat. I walked upstairs to the room tae told me was mine. Everything was set up perfectly and there was a nice queen sized bed in the middle. I made it extremely dark in the room and layed on the bed facing the ceiling blankly staring at it as I shuffled the playlist I never stop listening to. It was 1am when I checked the clock. Happy I wouldn't be bothered for the rest of night. There was a soft knock on the door and tae walked in.

"Woah its dark in here. Anyways I'm sneaking out. Please tell them I went on a walk to clear my head" he said glancing into the pitch darkness of my room.

"Sure" i replied blankly

"Yeah bye" he said in a confused tone

I heard the door close and I stared at the ceiling for the rest of the night.

The next morning I walk downstairs after my shower and makeup in my clothing. Glancing around and seeing tae with two other boys next to him. One looked at me and I felt a pang in my heart. What the hell? I grabbed my water and sprinted upstairs. Breathing heavily wondering what the sudden feeling was there was another knock on my dark room. Only a single scented candle lit making the room lighter.

"Tae asked me to tell you he's ordering food if you want any" it was the boy from earlier. The boy with the pang

"No" i looked at him with a blank stare

"Right bye." He said calmly

I glanced around at my room. Whats happening to me? What am I feeling all of a sudden? That stupid pang boy did this to me. I need to avoid him at all costs.

Over the next few days I kept seeing him around. Still looking at him blankly as he always shot me confused glances as soon as he saw me walking in the opposite direction from him.

"Hey." I heard behind me. I tjrn around and realize it's pang boy

"Yes?" I reply blankly

"Weird question, why do you always look at me like that? Do you not like me?" He said looking around

" no. I dont like anyone" I didnt brake the blank stare making him look around nervously

"Right..." he turned around and walked away

I felt my heart beat faster as I widened my eyes

What the fuck?

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