Chapter 1

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I was sitting on the sofa back at the London Fire Station, It's been an uneventful day so far, but then again it was only about 2:00pm. Nothing exciting has happened in the past week or two now. We'd get the odd false alarm every once in a while, maybe get a cat out of a tree.

I think the most exciting thing that's happened was at one of the high schools. Something exploded in the science room, there was no fire but we still had to go down and check it out to make sure everything was okay.

I was about to grab another handful of the salt and vinegar chips when the chief walked into the room getting everyone's attention immediately.

"Alright lads, we have a new member joining our team. He's here today but I don't think he'll be starting until next Monday." He stated. Which meant 5 days from now, seeing as it's Wednesday.

A tall lad walked in the room looking a tad nervous. "Alright son, introduce yourself, name, how you got here," Andy Saunders(the chief) said. "Well, my names Harry Styles," He said, and before continuing he cleared his throat. "I've been transferred from Holmes Chapel, I worked there for about 6 months, first job, and now I'm here" he briefly explained.

"Well, glad to have you on the team, you start Wednesday?" Liam spoke up, being the first to welcome new members as per usual. "Yeah, I'm going back home tonight to pack up and hopefully I can stay with my cousins here until I'm able to get my own flat, otherwise I don't exactly know where I'd stay but I'm sure I'll figure it out" Harry stated, he scrunched his brow as if he was thinking.

"Well I'm sure if you need it one of the lads here can lend you a room, I know Niall has an extra room in his house, although he's not in today" Liam replied.

'I have an extra room, but should I let a complete stranger into my house?' "Yeah, uh maybe that could work," Harry said, still unsure. Then Liam continued "We'll figure something out mate, I'm Liam by the way, nice to meet you".

"Alright, well Harry, those papers should be printed by now, we'll just head into my office and we'll go over the final details, you can come back in here afterwards and get to know the guys a bit," Saunders stated and lead harry out of the room.

"He seems like a nice lad," Dean spoke up. "Louis, don't you have an extra room? Your sister moved back home didn't she?"

"Uh, yeah she did. But she left some of her things behind and the room his a bit teenage-girlish, I don't think he'd want to stay in a room with posters of Bieber and Cody Simpson starring at him as he sleeps." I joked.

"Well, it'd be a hell of a lot better than sleeping in one of those abandoned houses around the corner." He stated.

About 20 minutes later I was laying on the cold floor in the middle of the room. Nearly everyone had left to the workout room or to do training and it was only me and four other lads in the room, if anyone were to call with a fire it'd be us four running and going right away as the lads working out would come soon after us and if it was needed the boys in training would follow afterwards. But that all depends on the severity of the fire.

Harry Styles walked back in the room and sat quietly on the couch, He looked awkward as he took out his phone and his fingers danced across the screen. 'I should probably say something so he doesn't feel out of place.' I thought to myself. "Styles!" I called out still from my position laying on the floor.

His head snapped my way "oh, hi" he said a bit shyly.

"You nervous mate?" I asked,
"A bit, but I'm mainly just a quiet person" he said, "Well we can't have a quiet fella on a team of a bunch of rambunctious idiots, can we?" I stated in a joking manner. "Come over here so I'm not yelling across the room"

He stood silently and plopped himself beside me. I sat up so I could be facing him and we weren't exactly beside each other, more of a diagonal angle so I had to turn my head a bit to see him properly but it's not a problem. "There ya go kid, how old are you anyways?"

"Erm, I'm 19, you?" He said quietly. "22 actually" I grinned back. He looked quite young. Much like an 18 year old boy sitting in the back of an art class.

We chatted for about 10 minutes or so before a bunch of guys burst into the room charging at us. I turned around trying to escape and harry tried standing to do the same. "DOGGY PILE" someone yelled and next thing you know we were laying flat on your stomachs, my arm buried under Harry's torso and and bunch of weight on my back.

Grunts coming from left right and centre, "God you guys are heavy" grunted someone. "Ever think about dropping some pounds fellas?" Someone else said.

"Yeah, stop complaining you shits, and get off before my intestines start to poor out of my ass" i retorted causing a soft laugh from harry, probably more out of shock than anything, and a good laugh from the others.

The day went by extremely slow, I mean, the only thing we did was a fire drill with the school, but harry came along to check out the scene, he got his gear, and he was put into my team for today, it probably won't stay that way though.

"So Harold, did you find out if you can stay at your relatives place?" I asked casually. I was a bit curious, and was really thinking of offering my extra room.

"Erm, no I can't stay there, their son is moving back in next week so I gotta find somewhere else to stay"

I hesitated before speaking, 'Should I actually do this? I mean, I don't even know him that well, he could be a killer for Christ sake, but then again, any one can be.' I thought for a moment. "Well um, I have an extra room at my place, if you want." I said slowly.

His head perked up and he looked a bit surprised at the offer, "um, yeah that'd actually be nice. But just until I find a place of my own, I promise I won't stay long, and I'll buy my own groceries, and-"

"Woah chill, curly, it's good." I chuckled softly and ruffled his hair. He turned red and looked away quickly.

People started lingering in just before 6:00. "Well my job is done here," I stood up from the couch stretching out my limbs and Harry was quick to follow.

I headed towards the door grabbing my coat before running my card through the sign in/sign out machine and punching in my pin. I headed towards the door and pulled it open, giving a the door an extra little nudge behind me so that it would stay open long enough for harry to get out. I walked towards the parking lot and Harry turned the other way, 'does he not have a car? How was he getting from here to wherever he lives? He doesn't have a place in London.'

"Hey curly, where ya headed?" I shouted after him and he turned on his heels.

"Erm, I don't know, the train station I guess." He replied loudly.

"That's a long walk, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know." He said quieter.

"Come with me, I'll give you a ride." I said Gesturing him to walk over and he did so, his head hung low, and he seemed to be turning red a bit.

Once he was nearly beside me I turned and headed towards my car, unlocking both doors. He hopped in the passenger seat as I started the car.

"So where's the train taking you tonight?" I asked, 'where does he live anyways? I can't remember if he's told us or not.'

He didn't answer so looked at him and his head was low and he looked embarrassed.

'Wait, didn't he say he was from Holmes chapel? How did he get here, it couldn't have been by train, no way. That would take too long and he was here early. ' I thought. I asked a new question "how did you get to London this morning?" I asked hesitantly.

"My mum drove me." He mumbled.

"Is she picking you up?"


"So where you headed, the last train out of London left, an hour ago?"

"Somewhere warm, Until tomorrow." He mumbled shakily.


Hey babes, let me know if you think I should continue! Comment and vote! x

We must be fireproof(Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now