Look What You Did To Me

314 14 9

Tsuna's Age: 11 years old

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Tsuna's heartbeat felt like a banging drum as he saw the movement of shadows behind him. His throat felt constricted as he felt the loss of oxygen, his breathing quickening to an abnormal pace.

'No! Someone followed me! Someone-someone who shouldn't have know my filth! He...He shouldn't have known!'

Fear bubbled and rose beneath Tsuna's skin as his mind began to panic.

Suppressed flames, too small and barely able to cover the unknowing sky, too weak to even offer its full service, immediately encased Tsuna as a last ditch of protection.

The sealed flames, despite being tiny and thus barely seen and almost translucent, gave an angry sputter like a hissing cat that had been slighted. The temperature turned a few degrees higher as an answer, but the flames were not able to cause enough damage other than to make the man break a sweat.

"Please..." Tsuna begged the man who towered over him in a small voice. His eyes were clouded with too much paranoia that he missed the look of hurt and guilt on the other's face.

"Please, just stay away! Just let me go!" Tsuna shouted in despair, the sudden influx of negativity seems to poison his system from deep within. His body shaking like a leaf as he tried to plead as he'd always done even if he knows that his resistance is futile.

"Just...please..." Pitiful sounding sobs escaped as Tsuna cradled his broken and bruised arm closer to his chest. His stance held a protective shield, ready to defend at a possible barrage of fists on his person, a show of the subconscious instinct that was built through time.

'A show of apparent submission,' the man realized, and the other's flames raged at the thought of someone harming the young sky.

More so, a young child!

"Calm down, kid," the man called out with precaution, knowing that his stance shouldn't add more to the boy's scarred psyche. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here t-" the man's brows furrowed to a frown as his eyes lingered on what are clearly newly acquired bruises. "What the fck happened to you?"

The silence had been short, but the change of the ambiance was too fast that Tsuna immediately stilled like a deer caught in the headlights.

Living with years of shaming, degradation, and psychological torture, Tsuna immediately sensed how the man looked at him. Seeing him. Judging him. He can't really tell which is which but he doesn't like any of it.

As if sensing Tsuna's distress, the pulsing flames answered the blooming fear by trying to draw closer to the boy's core, trying its best to give comfort and obviously succeeding a bit as the boy's tremors became less.

Now, to the man's eyes, Tsuna's orange flames seemed as though a piece of extremely thin clothing covering everything that it could of Tsuna's body. The flames may look brighter and a bit lively, but the reaction to the boy's distress isn't normal, especially among the rare and young Sky children.

The mere thought made the man narrow his eyes at the possible implications of what the child's situation could have done for the boy's instinct to end up growing more defensive than offensive.

"Tsk!" the man clicked his tongue in irritation.

'What a mess! If the others saw this, they'll surely throw a fit and a half with the ones who slighted this young Sky,' the man thought with a nod, somehow finding the time to fully appreciate how destructive his acquaintances seem to be.

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