Author's Note

190 10 7

I added this because this is a medical series of mine, so to those interested, this is the background of Tsuna's sickness if we remove all the flame nonsense.

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This disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is characterized by "switching" to alternate identities.

You may feel the presence of one or more other people talking or living inside your head, and you may feel as though you're possessed by other identities.

Each of these identities may have a unique name, personal history and characteristics, including obvious differences in voice, gender, mannerisms and even such physical qualities as the need for eyeglasses.

There also are differences in how familiar each identity is with the others.

People with dissociative identity disorder typically also have dissociative amnesia and often have dissociative fugue.


1. Memory loss (amnesia) of certain time periods, events, and people.
2. Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and attempts.
3. A sense of being detached from yourself.
4. A perception of the people and things around you as distorted and unreal.
5. A blurred sense of identity.
6. Significant stress or problems

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