The Collapsed Walls

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Everyone who's reading this should know how xreaders work, yah name is Y/n, blah blah blah. If you have questions on how xreaders work ask me polietly please, but you could easily use google as well! Soooo enjoy! (art by me)

I hummed along to you will believe, walking down the windy street. My bookbag was heavy with my belongings. The music coming from my headphones made me hum along gently. Walking down the street that had long been abandoned I stepped in beat with the song whistling to the song loudly. I spun happily and kept walking. A sign popped up out of the trees and I tilted my head. Joey drew a monster... Joey Drew? Joey Drew studios, I got a strange creepy sence of deja vu, the song made me freeze up. I should walk the other direction... Buuut... What monster did Joey draw? Or are they calling him a monster!? I rubbed my head, okay I just hope I'm wrong about the second one. I began to walk towards the studio and took in a curious breathe. Not like I have much better to do, and it's getting dark. I stepped up to the doorway of a huge rustic building, it was old and looked like it was ready to fall in on itself. I shivered as the wind blew. The song playing through my head, I saw an axe by the doorway and I picked it up. The song says I'll need to protect myself, I seriously am having second thoughts, if this song is true I could die here if I underestimated it. I walked through the door and began shaking as the song talked about the place and I heard the door slam shut behind me and I jumped. It looked like someone had been here recently, broken floor boards in the path. I edged around the gaping hole and knowticed the ink flooding the place the floor soaked through the floor and I quivered. I looked up and saw writing all over the walls. I froze, "He will set us free.". I began shivering the song sang in chorus, "And he, he will set them free.". I held my axe tightly and swung it at the planks blocking a hall next to me. I shook voilently the whole building creeked and an earry song played from speakers hanging up high on the walls, ink dripped from everywhere. I held my axe, "I believe...", looking at the shadows shivering. The song played in repeat, and each time the lyrics I seemed to understand more and more.

I heard the floorboards creek heavily under my feet, ink bubbled out of the walls in places. A thic thumping sound within the walls. I heard a set of footsteps seperate from mine ahead and I held my axe ready to fight back. I heard, "H-he will s-set us free....", then a muffled sobbing and I leaned around the corner and froze seeing a human that was literally pitch black... Sobbing with an axe in his hand aimed at himself. I let out a tiny gasp when he froze and I remembered my song and I quickly paused it. But when I looked back up no one was there. I stepped backwards strait into someone, maniac laughter followed and I was grabbed and I used all the power I had and swung myself to the side and hit a weak beam with my own axe. The sound of someone yelling in fear and panic sounded out and the crash of wood then there was a silence, well other than the subtle hum in the walls and the music from the speakers. I coughed on the dust and rubbed my eyes clear. I looked down at the pile of wood, I saw the inky head and torso along with their arms layed out on the floor the rest of the person's body under the wood. I stepped backwards away from the crazy person who tried to catch me earlier. I felt myself growing worried when the body didn't move. I slowly kicked the person's axe far from us. Slowly sitting down I stared at the person, slowly reaching out and touching their face. I heard them growl and I withdrew my hand. They tried to get up but they hissed with pain slumping back down. I saw ink begin to run down the mask and I realised they must be crying, I would too. Softly moving a mask of the cartoon character on the posters away from the person and they reached out for it with a whimper. "N-no, I-I'm h-h-hideous...", I set it with the person's axe ignoring his feeble cry. Softly leaning over him I began pulling out pieces of wood being careful not to hurt them worse. I felt their head turn and stare at me with confusion, "W-why h-help? I was going to kill y-you!?", true concern flashed through my head but I continued removing planks of wood. I heard them sigh and I felt their hand gently grasp my leg, "J-just leave me h-here... I d-don't have anything better to do... I deserve this...", I finally couldn't help their pitiful words and I remembered the way they'd been crying and had their axe posed ready to kill themselves eariler.

My Savior (Sammy Laurence x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz