Can He Feel... Love?

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Sitting upright I yawned damn it I fell asleep, I blushed. On him. TWICE! I slowly went to get off but he mumbled, "Stay little sheep, your master demands it~", I blushed a deeper shade of red, okay yep he's still sleeping... I was pulled back down face to face with him and he rolled onto me and I squeked, before I could escape a pair of warm lips met mine and I froze as the person above me relaxed then tensed a small intake of air coming from them as I blushed madly. Sammy ripped backwards from on me and he backed up on the bed his breathing fast and erotic. I rose an eyebrow, "Well that's not how we say goodmorning where I come from, but it was decent at least.", I giggled as he froze up and then he chuckled nervously.

I stood up and stretched out my muscles, Sammy went to follow me but I quickly put my hand on his chest, "Uh uh. Nope. Your going to rest, until I approve of you walking.". He gave me a childish huff, "You wouldn't be able to care for both of us sheep. I have to get up!". I leaned dangerously close to his face and I saw a faint grey hue of blush form on his inky cheeks, "Your welcome to, after your healed. Unless you need me to tie you down till then...?", I grinned when he coughed and looked down. "What was that???", he huffed in annoyance, "Fine.". I smiled at him and giggled hugging him gently, he seemed to register the action before he hugged back a small warm breath blew over my ear.

I let go and smiled in determination, "Yes, I get to play nurse!", I ran over to my bag and pulled out a pot and a bag of rice. He made a noise from the bed close to ammusment as I ran around, then I relised, "Drat this oven is from like sixty years ago...". I frowned and set the pot on the stovetop. I drooped like a flower and dragged my feet back to Sammy to ask for assistance. He chuckled softly when he saw me, "Aha knew you'd need my expertise little sheep~", I gave him a small glare but nodded. "The oven, how do I get it to turn on?", he smirked and pat the bed next to him, I sat down brushing myself closer to him than I ment to, that grey hue burning over his face once more.

He breathed in shakily before he began describing the steps I nodded and bounced up thanking him and ran back around the corner to try it. I froze with a curse, I went back to the corner, "Uhmmm what w-was step 7 again? I f-forgot...", I gave him my best smile to make up for my shy state. He stared at me before saying softly, "You turn it on, like me...", he mumbled the last part but I caught it. I blushed slightly and nodded, "O-oh, thank y-you. Sammy?", he jumped when I called his name and I walked up close to him, taking a seat next to him I faced him. His face was many shades of grey as he slowly turned to look at me, I smiled playfully. "You gave me a uhm, good morning kiss, so it's only right if I return it.", he choked on air and I leaned to him and pressed a small kiss onto his cheek. His breathing grew heavy and strained and he mumbled in a gurgly voice, "Th-thanks...".

I nodded and smiled a pink blush probably growing on my face as I stood up and bounced back to try and get the ancient oven to work.

"AHA! FINALLY!", a flame popped up from the old stoke box and I triuphently grinned and began cooking the rice. I found salt and pepper to work with in here as well as other spices, I wonder if Sammy lives in here? I hummed stirring the rice frequently as it finished I grabbed the two bowls from off the racks next to me and poured some in each, more for  Sammy since he's obviously got to be hungry. I turned off the old stove and moved the pot to the cold burner. Scooping up the two bowls I carefully made my way back into the other room.

"Hey Sammy! Look what I brought.... Sammy?", I looked at the empty bed and I yelped in a paniced state setting the bowls down quickly I ran over to the bed and searched under the bed he couldn't have got that far! Arms grabbed me tightly from behind and I yelped squirming and a weak growl came from them, "S-stop that hurts you know!", I froze, "Sammy? I told you not to get up!". I spun around in his grasp and gave him a glare, his expression was lacking in emotions that I wished I could see. He only dug his fingers into my sides painfully and he hissed, "Shut it sheep, you do not control me. I am no weak helpless fool! THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!", I winced and tears began to fill my eyes.

My Savior (Sammy Laurence x reader)Where stories live. Discover now