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Harry leaves the Cafe with Hailee's number in his pocket. He sees Jason already in the car waiting for him. Harry approaches the car and enters the passenger side.

"What the hell took you so long?" Jason asked his friend, "I thought you were just going to throw something?"

"Yeah but I ended up needing to pee." Harry lied.

The car ride was silent until Harry decided to do something he was going to regret but didn't really care about.

"Jason, remember Hailee?" He asked and his friend nodded, not looking away from the road.

"Well she told me something," Harry started.

Back in the Cafe Hailee was finishing her shift. After one more table she cleaned, she was ready to go home.

She said goodbye to her fellow coworkers and left to go back home to her apartment. As soon as she entered she immediately smelled fried chicken.

"Yo Isabel can I have some?" She asked her best friend.

"Yeah sure it's freshly cooked." Isabel replied and Hailee quickly made her way towards the kitchen.

Hailee grabbed a plate and got some chicken from the pan. Hailee started eating and told Isabel it was delicious.

"So what brought you to my apartment?" Hailee asked, still munching on the fried chicken Isabel made.

"I wanted to ask you how your first day was," Isabel told her, "So how was it?"

"You will not believe what happened to me." Hailee started which made Isabel nod her in anticipation.

"Remember how Mrs. Hanson has nephew that attracts all the customers?" Hailee asked her friend and Isabel nodded in remembrance.

"So that nephew is Harry Poler." Hailee told her.

"Wait it's that actor guy with the shout dick for free WiFi right?" Isabel asked and Hailee nodded.

"But that's not all," Hailee started, "Remember who's best friend with Harry?"

Isabel thought for a few minutes before gasping.

"No way! You saw Jason Reed again?!" Isabel gasped.

"Hell yeah I did! And he knows my name!" Hailee squealed.

Isabel playfully slapped her best friends shoulder, "You lucky bitch!"

"And that's not all my friend!" Hailee continued, "He said we will see each other more often since Harry likes going there!"

"Oh my GOD!" Isabel fangirled, "Please take me with you on your next shift." Isabel begged her.

Hailee nodded her head, "Of course I will Isabel, it's kind of lonely fangirling by myself."

"Thank god Hailee! You're the best!" Isabel said and threw her best friend a thumbs which made Hailee laugh.

Suddenly felt the vibration of her phone on her pocket. She took it out and saw it was a notification from an unknown number.

Yo dick girl

Hailee rolled her eyes, that message meant only one thing.

I have a name Harry

"Who's that?" Isabel questioned.

"It's Harry." Hailee said in an annoyed tone.

"What the fuck, he has your number?" Isabel asked.

Hailee nodded, "I had to give it to him unless I wanted him to tell Jason about my undying crush on him."

Isabel nodded her head in agreement, "Fair enough, that would be embarrassing."

Suddenly Isabel gasped like she had a brilliant idea.

"What? Why are you gasping?" Hailee asked her friend.

"Why don't you ask for Jason's number from Harry?" Isabel suggested to Hailee.

Hailee's eyes widened, "Do you think he'll even give it to me?" She asked her best friend.

"I don't freaking know but you can always try right?" Isabel persuaded.

"Hmm I don't know, that's kinda creepy." Hailee said truthfully.

"C'mon Hailee, imagine if he said yes. You would have Jason Reed's number! And if you didn't do anything, well you can only imagine what would happen." Isabel said and Hailee was persuaded.

"Okay fine I'll ask him." She said and Isabel squealed.

"If you get it make sure to give it to me too." Isabel said and Hailee nodded.

Yo Harry

Whatcha want

Could I maybe possibly have Jason's number?

No that's fucking creepy

Fair enough

"So, what did he say?" Isabel asked persistent, "Will he give to you?"

"He said no." Hailee said which made Isabel pout.

"Oh well, you tried." Isabel said while patting the back of her friend.

Isabel stood up and got the dishes, "I'll just clean up." She said and Hailee nodded.

Suddenly Hailee got another text.

See you tmr hailee

And be prepared I have a surprise for you

What's that supposed to mean

It's a surprise

Anyways gtg before I spoil too much

Hailee closes her phone and sighs.

"What's he up to now?" She mumbles before joining Isabel in washing the dishes

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