The Mysterious Case of Daniel Howell.

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"That is not how you expand a binomial."

All I could do was sit there. I am home alone. Or I thought I was. Who could this be?

And why the hell is he helping me expand binomials?

I quickly turned my head and slowly backed up until I hit the wall. And once I did so, the shadowed figure from behind he television showed up with no sound. Not even a rustling in his jeans was heard.

Well, if he was wearing any.

I hopped to my feet and yelled, "S-Stand back!" I rolled up my sleeves and watched as it slowly stepped from behind the television. "I said stay back!"

The person hesitated before he continued to step to me. I watched as he stepped into the light. Freshly shined dress shoes and wearing a white button down and a black vest. And yes, he does have pants on. Slacks pressed crisp and new. He took another step towards me and his face was now illuminated in the light.

Gosh, he is beautiful.

His dark hair swept to the side and his awkward, yet visible cheekbones stuck out, casting their own shadow. His eyes were soft and he flashed a small half smile.

Wait. What am I thinking?

This boy has a lot of confidence. To be a math tutor while breaking and entering.

"Who-who are you?"

"...and then you do the, oh," The boy smiled and held out his hand, "Well, I am terribly sorry, but let me introduce myself. I am Daniel Howell, but you can call me Danny if you please." He held his hand out to obviously give me a handshake.

"H-how about Dan?" I looked at his outstretched hand and left it there, "but why are you in my attic?" He looked at me with a concerned face, "your attic?"

But when I looked down, my hand was on the other side of his. "Huh?" I tried to shake his hand again, but this time, I witnessed it. I witnessed my hand went through his. It didn't change shape, or get cloudy. It just stayed there.

He gasped and started flinging his hands at me, trying to slap me or do whatever. To see if he can feel me. He picked up my binder and then tried to touch me, able to do one but not the other. "This is all and entirely wrong." Daniel looked at me and then paced around the attic, throwing things down and flipping my desk.

"Hey!" I yelled in a demanding tone, and he stopped to turn and look at me.

"Fucking chill, man."

Suddenly, Daniel got really emotional and started to walk towards me, his hands outstretched, "Why can't I touch you? What is happening to me?" He tried to touch my face, but his hand slashed through my body. I felt a chill as his hand cut through my body, and I backed up. My heart is racing and I am just as confused as he is.

"What are you doing in my house?" I tilt my head a little and he starts to take really deep and angry breaths.

"Your house? Your house?!" He started another rampage and was kicking my things down. Kicking my book bag and my television, he started to throw things.

"Hey, hey hey!" I yelled and looked around me. An old iron wrench was lying on the floor. I picked it up, knowing that this would be enough to knock him out or to at least buy me two seconds. I crept up behind him and raised the wrench over my back and slung it at him. Once it hit, sparks and embers flew and he next thing I knew, he was gone.

I ran out of the attic, hyperventilating.
I did nothing for the remainder of the day. I just sat there, thinking. My bed must have a dent in it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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