I'll be back to normal in the morning

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"Dude, what was with you back at the asylum?" Dean chuckled as he yanked the door to the crappy bar they had spent the last hour in open and walked out.
"I'm sorry, Dean, I was only trying to help," The angel said, looking discouraged. "I can leave now if you would prefer it. I know I am a hindrance to this hunt" .
"I'm kidding, Cas, jeez! I'm glad you're here to help us, but maybe back off a little on the bad cop stuff, okay?"
They climbed into the Impala, much to Castiel's displeasure.
"I will make sure to consider that, Dean." Cas said, nodding solemnly as though Dean had just given him nuclear launch codes.
Dean looked over at the angel and laughed, because it was a little hard not to laugh at Cas' adorable confusion. Dean stopped abruptly. What was that? Did I just think about Cas being adorable? Why the hell would I think that? Dean took a breath and fixed his eyes on the road. He took a few minutes to calm down, and get his thoughts back to normal. It's just the alcohol, he thought to himself. I'll be fine in the morning.
He quickly glanced at Castiel, which ended up being a mistake. The angel was looking at the snow in awe, his face pressed against the window.
Dean snapped his head forward, trying not to think about how cute Castiel was when he was so interested in the world.
"The snow is fascinating, Dean. Have you ever thought about how wonderful it is? How every flake is unique. It's truly just-"
"Damn, Cas, it's just snow, shut up about it!" Dean snapped. He immediately felt bad when he saw the look of sadness in Castiel's eyes.
I'm not interested in Cas, dammit. I'm not gay, and I'm definently not gay for an angel. Angels are dicks. Granted, Cas is no ordinary angel. He's rebelled for me more times than I can count, and look at him, how could anyone not think that's adorable? Dean shook his head violently, trying to think about anything but Cas and his striking blue eyes and messy raven colored hair. Okay fine, Cas is kind of attractive. But attractive doesn't mean I'm actually attracted to him, does it?
Before he could answer his own thought, they pulled up in front of the motel where they were staying. Dean jumped out of the Impala as quick as possible, and Castiel slowly opened the door and stood up. By the time Cas was out of the car, Dean was already inside and locked in the bathroom.
The angel sighed at the empty room, and there was a slight flutter of wings as he disappeared.
Dean was splashing water on his face when he heard Cas leaving. Finally, I can forget this whole mess. I'll be back to normal in the morning.

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