Chapter 9- The Cursed Sea Pt 2

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Gloved hands were placed on the girl's shoulders.

"So... this girl is our stowaway?"

A tall, burly man appeared behind the girl. He had a dark blue short sleeved shirt, gloved hands, a red bandana around his neck, white pants, and a captain's hat. I felt a tap on my arm, and turned to the right. Jotaro held out a cigarette in my direction. I took it and stuck it in my mouth. He handed me the lighter. I lit my cigarette, handed it back, and turned my attention back to the man.

"Captain," I heard Mr. Joestar say.

So he really was the captain. He gave me an incredibly odd feeling, like something was off. The captain took hold of the girl's arm, and squished her body with his other arm. I heard the girl hiss out in pain.

"I'm pretty harsh when it comes to stowaways. You may be a girl, but if I go easy on you, we'll just get more and more stowaways," he glared intensely at the girl.

She dropped her knife from the force in her arm.

"We'll hold you in a room below deck until we get to port," the captain let the girl out of his grasp, but he still held onto her arm.

"Captain, I'd like to ask you something," Mr. Joestar spoke, "You've verified the identities of all ten of the men on board, correct?"

The captain turned to the old man, "Of course I have. All of them are veterans who have been on this boat for over ten years. I'm not sure why you're so worried about that. By the way.."

He had inched his way closer to Jotaro and I. His hand swung up and the cigarette was tugged out of mine and Jotaro's mouths. I grit my teeth together.

"I suggest you refrain from smoking on this boat. What did the two of you plan on doing with the ashes and butt when you're done? You weren't planning on throwing it into the beautiful ocean were you?"

He smirked at me. I let out a small growl, and stepped closer to Jotaro.

"You're a guest on this ship, but I'll have you follow her rules, outlaws."

He smashed the cigarettes on the metal part of Jotaro's weird hat thingy. He stuck the cigarettes into Jotaro's pocket and turned to me. He gave me a small smile, then turned around and walked away. I crossed my arms tightly over my chest, feeling uncomfortable as hell. The group of us were shocked at how he acted.

"Hold on," Jotaro snarled, "If you're gonna put it out just do it. You don't have to be such a condescending price about it, jackass."

The captain turned his head in slight shock.

"Oi, Jotaro! You shouldn't be rude to the captain! You're the one at fault here," Mr. Joestar said sternly.

Jotaro put a hand on his hip, "I'm very aware that I'm being rude. He's not the captain... I just figured it out."

He tapped my arm again. Looked up at him. He gave me a knowing glance, then looked back at the captain. He knew I was thinking the same thing he was.

"He's the stand user!" both Jotaro and I said at the same time.

"W-What?!" the other four guys yelled.

The captain just gave Jotaro and I a strange look.

"...Stand..?" he blinked, "What is that?"

"That's inconceivable you two!" Avdol scolded, "Captain Tennille came recommended with verification by the Speedwagon Foundation. He's someone we should trust. There's a 0% chance he's a stand user."

I gave Avdol a soft glare trying to tell him that I knew something was up.

"W-Wait a minute. A stand?" Captain Tennille was srill very confused, "I've got no idea what you're talking about!"

"JoJo, Y/N, random guesses will only make more things confusing!" Polnareff told us.

"Do the two of you have any proof?" Kakyoin asked.

Jotaro nodded in my direction. The men turned their attention to me.

"I've found a way to differentiate stand users from regular people," I said, "If a stand user inhales even the slightest amount of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on the tip of their nose."

Everyone, except the sailors, the girl, Jotaro, and I, lifted their hands up to their nose.

"Y-You can't be serious Y/N!" Polnareff cried.

I smirked lightly, "Yeah, I was lying. But now it looks like we've found the idiot."

Captain Tennille's face shifted from confusion to shock. The other's faces were that of shock as well. The captain's eyes narrowed in my direction.

"How did you guys know he was suspicious?" Mr. Joestar questioned.

"Actually, I didn't think he was at all," Jotaro said.

"Really? I thought he was," I shrugged.

"I intended to try this with all the men on board, and have Y/N help me. Her facial expression told me something was amiss," Jotaro said smoothly.

The captain chuckled darkly, "You're cold. Damn, but you're cold. You're right! I'm not the captain. The real captain is sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the ocean in Hong Kong."

"The you can sleep at the bottom of hell!" Jotaro spat.

The captain just grinned. I heard the girl scream from behind me. I quickly turned to see that she was being dragged by a watery looking hand. A sea monster looking stand stood on the railing, holding the girl in its arms.

"I- I can't move!" she squeaked.

This stand was like the ocean which represented the fear of the unknown. The Moon card also represented the unknown. This must be Dark Blue Moon.

"If I tried to take on six of you at once, even I'd break a bone or two. I planned on hiding my identity so I could take care of you one by one. But.. since Miss Y/N over there is so smart..." he smirked and winked at me, "I have no choice but to take all of you on."

My nose scrunched up.

"I'll have to take on all 6 of you. Getting my hands on this girl is a sign that my luck is turning for the better! And soon I'll have my hands on another girl," he chuckled darkly.

I almost gagged. Kakyoin protectively stood infront of me. I silently thanked him in my head.

"I'm going to jump into these shark infested waters with her!" Captain Tennille cackled.

My eyes widened. No, he couldn't do that. The girl would drown. Not that I care or anything.. but it would be a pain to have to deal with a dead body.

"Of course you guys will end up following us in. If we fight in the water, where I have the advantage, as can best all six of you."

"Don't underestimate me by taking a hostage," Jotaro spoke, "Don't think that I'll be shaken by this."

"Underestimate?" the captain smiled, "No.. this is only a prediction. I hear that your stand, Star Platinum, is pretty damn fast. I don't mean to brag, but Dark Blue Moon is pretty fast underwater. It can swim more elegantly than any fish in the sea! Why don't we test them out, eh?"

He hopped up onto the railing of the boat, "Follow me, if you're prepared to choke to death on all the sea water you're about to swallow."

With that, he flipped backwards into the abyss below, taking the girl with him. Before Jotaro could do anything, I sent Chemical Romance out to attack. I gave Dark Blue Moon a good punch, which made him release the girl. I quickly caught her before she fell into the ocean. Star Platinum was sent out, and he landed a series of punches on the oceanic stand. Dark Blue Moon was sent flying far away.

Tennille was floating a ways away from the boat, blood dripping down his face.

"You're the only who's gonna choke on seawater," I held up head up high.

"Avdol, say something," Jotaro demanded.

"You tried to out-predict me, a fortune teller.." Avdol said.

"But it's 10 years too early!" Polnareff finished with a grin.

A small smile appeared on my face. Even with the amount of stand users we'll face, I don't think this trip will be that bad...

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