Life Sucks

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            Sixteen years ago to the day, a baby was brought into this world, kicking and screaming in the usual baby fashion.

"It's a girl!" The doctor declared, the new born clutched in his arms. "I do have some unfortunate news though."

"What, what's wrong?" The anxious young father demanded.

"Unfortunately, it appears your daughter is a main character." The doctor told him heavily, holding the new born up for them to see. Violet hair was plastered to the small round head and silver eyes stared blankly at the people all around.

"Oh no." The mother groaned from the bed "Not my first born." She accepted the baby from the doctor and sat staring down at her.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said "Just bad luck I suppose."

As You have probably guessed, that baby was me and in case you were wondering, the life of a main character is hell. You could argue that everyone is the main character of their own story but being a Main character is different. It may come with some perks, like you never sustain a life threatening injury, but mostly I just find it annoying. Random people will walk up to me on the street and start telling me their life story, as if I had time to listen to them, and I'm the target of multiple small scale accidents every day. Just since I entered high school two years ago I've been mugged six times, been a witness to four murders and have been proposed to twice. With each passing year it seems like the universe gets more and more desperate to lock me into some sort of story line.

Take today for instance. It started out normal enough, which was why I was on high alert by the time I got to school. My day never turned out normal so I knew something was bound to happen any moment. I stepped into the street to cross to my school, then took a step back instantly, out of habit, and right on cue a car came careening down the street. If I hadn't stepped back I would have gotten hit for sure. Rolling my eyes and heaving a sigh, I proceeded up the steps and through the front door. A T.V camera crew was set up just inside the door and I felt a pit open up in my stomach. Romantic story lines are the worst. I even contemplated just turning around right then and going home but I didn't want to let who ever controlled these things have the satisfaction, so I ducked my head an plowed resolutely on.

"Excuse me, miss?" A polite voice asked behind me. I didn't turn around, there was no point. "Excuse me." I felt a hand on my shoulder and shrugged it off. There was no way I was getting roped into that, not today. When the person persisted, I turned.

"Look, I don't care." I told him in exhaustion "I just want to get to class." And turned around again. I could hear the camera shutters clicking and resigned myself to the newspaper article tomorrow

"But you dropped your pen." The guy behind me replied. I didn't know who he was, and nor did I care. The less I knew about these people the less likely I was to fall into one of the main character death traps that were laid out everywhere.

"Keep it." Finally, I made across the entry hall and into the safety of the homeroom crowd.

"Hey, Lily!" I didn't look up. Here we go again. "Hey are you ignoring me again?"

"Yep" I replied, and they went away. Having friends could be nice, until the universe decided it was time for a little drama. I hate drama and every time I make a friend it always ends up like that.

"All right. Settle down." My teacher, Mrs. Spizer came through the door. "We have a new student joining the class today so I want you all on your best behavior." Oh boy. The new student routine, either he would be an awkward loner or super cute. Not that it mattered to me anyway. New students, especially the males were a dime a dozen and I went out of my way never to have contact with them. "Everyone, this is Luka Alverez, as you probably already know, and he'll be joining our home room starting today." The teacher's voice snapped me out of my reminiscence of all the annoying new kids I'd had to deal with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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