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"Um no"

After running for a bit more she found her blond friend tied to a pole with a mad look on his face "Wow""Shut up and help me""No where is kakashi?"

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After running for a bit more she found her blond friend tied to a pole with a mad look on his face
"Shut up and help me"
"No where is kakashi?"

"I don't fucking know"
"Very helpful"
She said with a sigh walking over to him and seeing three lunches, and the clock that said they had about 4 minutes left

She sat down and turned towards naruto

"So how did your fight go?"
"You watched it happen"
"Just tryna make conversation"


Soon after a bit her teammates came from the forest along with their teacher

"Fuck you kakashi!"
The girl said running at him only to be stoped by a pair of arms of the uchiha

"Let me go!"
She said struggling to move
"Calm down!"
"No! Let me go sasuke! He pulled a fucked up card!!"

"What did he do?"
Umi slightly stoped moving and turned to her blonde friend with a sad look
"Let me go! I'll calm down"

She was then dropped to the floor with a small thump

Kakashi was talking but the koori was stuck in her head

Yuki looked so real, just like she always did

The hair, the nickname she called her everything

How the fuck did kakashi know that?

She snapped her head when she saw sasuke pinned down on the ground
"Sakura kill naruto or sasuke dies"
Sakura was yelling at kakashi about how he was holding him but froze in place as she heard what he said, he started going on and on in what we all did bad and then said somthing that made all of their blood run cold

"You won't be going back the academy, you'll be drop of the program permanently"
"You shithead! You can't do that!- why I'm I tied up!!!!????!?!?"

"You need to stop running your mouth so much. Eat your food DONT feed Tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb, after we will talk about dropping you from the program"
And a cloud of smoke came from him

"Whatever it's not like I'm even hungry!"
But a grumble from his tummy disagreed with the Uzumaki
"You got problems man"
"We both do! Aren't you hungry?"

"Yes but not as bad as you clearly-"
There was chopsticks holding out some rice in front of the brown eyed girls face she made eye contact with dark ones, a bored look came to her face

"Nah I'm good, naruto need it more than me"
Umi said nodding her head towards the Uzumaki

A angered expression came to the uchihas face

"If you don't eat you become weak making the team weak so eat! Sakura feed naruto"

The pinkette hurry we to shove food in the blondes face saying a quick eat it, while the raven haired boy was getting annoyed at the brunette

"Just eat it!"
"Calm down I don't need to I'm good I told you this already now, feed the boy with a black hole as a tummy!"

Umi said giving naruto a side glare, but saw him take a bite of the food

Then dark clouds appeared and a angry kakashi along with them



Shock was the first feeling she felt, then confusion, stress, and lastly anger

"What! WHAT! Unite me now!"
"Meet back at the bridge tomorrow around 7am"

They all got up and started walking away
"Oi!! Untie is!"
They ignored the tied up kids and kept walking

"I swear to all that's holy Sakura if you untie me I will let you straighten my hair!!"
For some reason all the girls want to straighten her brown curly hair, she did it once with her sister, it didn't look good

Sakura ran at her with a kunai in hand

"Oh- wow, Thanks"
"So sasuke, you got 3 seconds to run before I kill you for not helping me!"

"Sasuke run!!! She is scary!!!"
Naruto yelled in warning, sasuke on the other hand was confused, she was about 5 inches shorter then him what can she do? But was proven wrong when she ran at him at full speed

He turned in a try to get away but she simply hopped on his back and let out a yell
"Your crazy!!"
"I know!"

She said from his back giggling, he was face planted on the ground grumbling a couple colorful words while the Umi giggled

It was 7:25 and only 3 out of 5 people where there, naruto was slightly worried for the girl but knew deep down that she probably slept in

Sakura was awaiting her "date" with the brunette after today because she was gonna straighten her hair

None the less narutos head turned towards the girls slowly walked towards the bridge

"About time Umi! Thought you where dead"
"I feel like it"
"You look it"

She glared at him before leaning on the fence looking up at the sky with half lidded eyes

"Ready for later?!"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"Eh? You forgot? Your coming to my house so I can straighten your hair!"

The shorter girl looked at the pinkette, a tired look on her face

"Make sure to take a pic for me sakura!"
"No way in hell naruto!"
Umi said at the boy

But kakashi showed up late and they started their day

So here Umi sat on Sakuras floor looking though one of her magazines

"So you and sasuke huh?"

"Eh what do you mean? He doesn't like me"
The brunette flipped a page before talking

"He is an asshat I don't see the appeal, even so if you guys have a relationship I think it will be toxic"

"Hmm probably right, so what about you and naruto? Or shikamaru?"
Umi heard this a lot, shockingly a lot more people then you think thinks that her and one of her friend are dating, nope they are not

"WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT! No I don't like them I don't like anyone!"

Sure thing Umi

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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