The dm that started it all

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It was the last day of our high school career, and Alissa, Taylor, and I were so ready to get out to start our new lives in the big bad world. We had been planning  to leave the state of Virginia since we were 13 years old. Alissa couldn't wait to become a nurse, Taylor couldn't wait to become a paramedic, and I had no idea what I was going to do in life.

Ever since senior started we planned to leave the state and move to California, and start those careers. Taylor and Alissa had their lives planned out and ready, but I just couldn't figure out what I wanted out of the world. I wish I did, but I'm just so scared to grow up.

My day dreaming got interrupted by the loud bell releasing the students for the rest of the year. Students were throwing papers out of their book bags and into the courtyard as teachers shook their heads in disapproval. 

"Hey! We did it!!!! We're finally done with this bullshit school." Taylor said excitedly to Alissa and I. I was still zoned out, and a little afraid to pack my bags for the big move. Alissa nudged me.

"You okay love?" she smiled softly at me. 

"Yes, just thinking about how I don't have a plan, and you guys do." I sighed loudly, "Like what if we get their and I get left behind because I have no idea what to do." Taylor glares at me.

"You're going to do amazing things" she stopped right in front of me, and looked me dead in my eyes, "I promise. We won't leave you behind." I smile brightly at her, and Alissa nods in approval.

"We won't ever leave you." I smile at the both of them, and take their hands into mine.

"I love you rats." They laugh softly.

"Let's do this" Taylor smiles at us both and starts walking towards the exit of the school building.

I follow and begin to think again about what will happen when we finally arrive in California. I watch Taylor as she walks happily to our neighborhood, and Alissa just laughs at her. We finally get to Alissa's house, and waved goodbye until we meet to start our journey across the country. We walk a little farther to get to Taylor's house and drop her off to get her stuff.

I start to walk to my house on my own, and continue to drown in my thoughts about California. This could be one of the best things that happens to us, but it could also be the worst. I just hope the two of them get the best that they've ever wanted. I finally get to my house, and stand there just looking at the front door, absorbing the fact that this may be the last time I'm here. My mom walks out of the door and runs to give me a hug to congratulate me on finishing school.

"I'm so proud of you baby. You've worked so hard, and we're finally here." she cups my face and smiles lightly at me, "I helped you pack, your stuff is at the front door." 

"I love you so much momma" I say as I embrace her. This woman is the reason for everything that I am.

"Alright now, grab your stuff before I change my mind. I love you so much more."

I walk into the house slowly and grab my stuff, and take one last glance at the house. I pick up my stuff, and start my walk back to Taylor's house. I see Alissa standing outside, and I decide to join her.

"You ready?" she says nervously, and I nod.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smile at her in reassurance, and Taylor walks out of her house with her bags.

"LETS GO BITCHES" she unlocks her car and opens the trunk for our bags. Alissa and I shove all of our stuff, and fight for the front seat. I ended up in the back, but I'm not complaining, I got to have the best nap.

12 hours later...

I wake up from my nap hearing Alissa and Taylor giggling at the rest stop. I watch them from inside the car, and smile at them. Alissa sees me, and comes to pull me out of the car. 

"Come on. We're gonna make a tik tok." she says with a chuckle, and I shrug agreeing to what I thought was so stupid.

Once we finished making our tik toks we hopped back into the car, and started to drive. About twenty minutes later my phone starts to blow up, and then Alissa's, and then Taylor's. So we decide to pull over to see what is going on. 

We out our phones out and check tik tok to see that the tik tok we made had just blown up. Taylor's eyes filled with joy and she squealed, "Let's make a few more!!!"

We begin to make the tik toks, and decide to drive even farther this time, and our phones blew up even more. 

13 hours later...

We finally arrived to California, at the apartment our parents helped us rent out. When we started to unload the car, some girls came up to us and told Taylor she had recognized her from the tik tok we had made. 

We all smile at each other and start to bring our bags upstairs, and as we do I receive a Instagram dm from a famous tik toker, Daisy Keech, saying that she wanted to meet with the three of us, and offer us a job in the Hype house.

To be continued......


the night we met.. lilhuddy fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang