⤷ 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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𝐭𝐰𝐨. 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬


there's a tiny figure no taller than 5'3 leaping out the truck, helping unload a myriad of boxes and pieces of furniture that is moved into the house, disappearing for a few moments until they returned again. hajime exhales sharply, letting out a breath he didn't know he held in; it sometimes felt like the house next door was cursed. those who resided it in years — hell, even months — prior would vigorously agree. although, there's nothing wrong with some mischief and discovery, is there?

"oh, uh, sure," hajime mumbles back mindlessly, already in a daze as he figures he must assist the next-door neighbor moving in. he couldn't catch a clear glimpse of their face yet, but a flow of light brown, almost pink-ish hair, could be seen as they moved about. the thought of a potential friend excited him, and if it was a girl, perhaps he'd try to-

no, he internally scolded himself. he shouldn't set his expectations too high; he's already friends with a dumbass who masks deep-rooted insecurities with a flirtatious facade (fan girls are a pain) and an inseparable duo who get kicked out of a diner in less than 5 minutes, and most likely have gotten noise complaints before.

hopefully that won't happen when they visit again; it would be terrible first impressions.

he finds himself already standing at the front of his neighbor's sidewalk, cautious of the other people assisting to bring in some furniture. as a result of only having so many close friends, he's at a loss for a start.

but it seems there's no need.

the same shade of pink-brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail is suddenly standing in front of him, peach shirt and black converse standing out in the neutral toned neighborhood.

"can i ... help you?"


the final box is moved into the new household; both teenagers sigh with relief with light pants, absorbing themselves into the serene atmosphere. by the time they had finished, the sky bled soft hues of blended apricots & sweet lemon yellow, faint dusted blue mixing right with the lazy fruity hues. beads of sweat trickled down hajime who rubs it with the back of his hand once more, thinking back to earlier.

"here, good job today."

it's the mellifluous voice and cool object pressed lightly on his forehead that snap hajime out of his trance. it takes a brief moment for him to process and realize it's a popsicle on his forehead, held loosely in the girl's grip. he hesitantly accepted and unwrapped it, slow bites that send him into pure euphoria and cools him down like a sudden blast.

"thank you," hajime answered gruffly after the first bite, he slouches a bit forward as he sat on the sidewalk, the girl soon deciding to join alongside him. fleeting curiosity as he side-eyed her own;


"garigari kun," she answered, noticing his gaze without looking. "normal flavor. sorry, do you want a different one?"

hajime shook his head. "no thanks, just checking. i don't really like sweet things anyways."

she hummed, a mischievous undertone to her peaked curiosity. "hm, hope this isn't too sweet then?" he only remarked with a small grin and another shaken head. she doesn't inquire further and allows herself to experience the same cooldown, the popsicle a perfect soother after everything.

he cleared his throat. "i'm sorry, i never introduced myself," the brunette stated, extending his hand out. "hajime iwaizumi, next door to you and a second year at seijoh. "my mother said you were the same age as me, so..."

she snickered. "oh? and if i wasn't, would you have rejected me?" a small fit of fleeting giggles erupted from her as hajime flushed red (she concluded it was the summer heat, not the most pleasant after all) and incoherent stutters fell from his mouth.

amusing, how cute. "ah well- aiya, pleasure to meet you, hajime iwaizumi. glad to know my next door neighbor is a cute gentleman."

how bold, and they only just met. before he could pull his hand away, she reciprocated the small handshake.

"my age, huh? then, what's your birthday?"
"june 10. are you older than me or something?"
"huhu, spot on! i'll turn 18 before you," aiya declared proudly. hajime grumbled playfully, dreading the thought of being protected by a person *shorter* than him. jeez, as if dealing with toru oikawa wasn't enough.

"what brings you to miyagi anyways? especially in the middle of summer?" hajime inquires. small talk, aiya figured. no harm in knowing though. "change of atmosphere. what my mom says anyway."

it turns into a comfortable silence, heads up and gazing towards a deep pastel-mixed sky. saccharine hues overrun a placid but friendly neighborhood, houses seated bundled next to each other that created rows of individual neighboring kingdoms.

she leans a bit forward, holding eye contact with him. she notices his eyes are a pretty shade of green, akin to the succulent plants she had delicately packed into her new room. he notices aiya's eyes are brown, like coffee candies.

"hajime," she begins, "is there anything worth looking into here? if you wouldn't mind being my tour guide, that is."


[author's corner]

screech as albedo would say, welcome to hell b

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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