The arrival

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The chilling atmosphere of the crowded airport cooled my sweated drenched face. A crystal of sweat trickled down my mocha skin. The airport was bustling with life as I heard noises of every kind, mostly of conversation. I slowly approached the gate that lead to my flight with my family trailing behind me. They were here to bid me farewell.

I about-faced and was greeted by the sight of the dark brown orbs of my mother. She smiled at me with the sweetness I've always seen as a child, her sparkling smile always calmed me. I emitted a shaky breath.

"Guys.... can you guys come with me?" I said.

"Saiken, Sweetie, you'll be perfectly fine. Do us proud as you always do." My mom said as she embraced me.

As I was about to enter the gate my father stopped me. His dark orbs were hardened as he reached his hand out. "Saiken, it's better if you have this instead." He handed me a grey mask. Its intricate designs reminded me of the galaxy and stars.

Weird, astrology isn't his forte and he isn't the one for eye-catching clothing. I peered up at him.

"Dad what would I need this for?"

"You will know soon enough."  He enveloped his strong arms around my more prominent form and finally exchanged goodbyes. I went through the gate and handed the gate-woman my ticket. My gaze was positioned to the porcelain white flooring as I trotted through the gate with my suitcase noisily rolling after me. I reach the outskirts of the airport and glance upwards. The cerulean sky was cloudless.

It was a vast body of blue that reflected the emerging sadness in my eyes as I boarded my plane.

Bubbles of tears grew in my eyes remembering all of the history I had here. But now my life will be anew.

The plane took off and I began to become very tired. I slowly drift off to sleep.

A few hours later the plane lands in America.

As I grab my suitcase I step off the plane. The sun beamed on me.

God, I hate the sun I mutter as I put my hood on to block the glaring rays of light. As I enter the building I start to look around. My parents didn't really say who was going to take care of me.

I look to my right and I see a person holding a sign with my name in Japanese. I walk towards them.

"Who are you guys?" I said.

"Hey! Saiken I'll be taking care of you until you graduate from high school. My name is (R E D A C T E D). Your parents told me to watch over you for now. Hope we can be good friends." The mysterious face outstretched his hand and I give him a strange look, cut my eyes at his hand.

The one thing my dad taught me is to not trust anyone, so I gave him the cold shoulder. "Uh, yeah sure," I said while walking away.

We drive by a beautiful beach with a nice view of the ocean and drive into a secluded part of town. We both exit the vehicle and I grab my suitcase.

I follow (R E D A C T E D) to a worn-out looking house. "Welcome to my house. Treat it like its your own home." He chirped while he opening the door. As I walk in I started taking off my shoes.

(R E D A C T E D) looked at me quizzically. "Why are you taking your shoes off by the door?" I share the same confused look. "Aren't we suppose to?" I asked.

He laughed. "This isn't Japan anymore Saiken you can take your shoes off in your room."

"My room?" I ask.

"Yeah, let me show you." He takes me upstairs and to an empty room with a mattress on the floor. I never said it was a good room but this will work for now.

"Thanks for taking me in," I said

A grin grew on his face. "No problem, the least I can do. Now get some rest, tomorrow I'll show you to your new high school."

I flinch. "New school...," I said

"Don't be so nervous you haven't been there yet. Now get some rest."

As I took my clothes out of my suitcase and put my sleeping clothes on there was a knock on my door that rang throughout the room.

"Who is it?"

(R E D A C T E D) opened the door with food in his hands. The aroma of the meal almost made me salivate. "Here, I can at least feed you something before you sleep."

I blow softly on the soup and slurp the liquid. An explosion of flavor bursts in my mouth as I gulp the soup down eagerly. I immediately showcased my gratitude with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "This is really good, man!" I said.

My caretaker hummed as acknowledgment for the compliment. "Thanks now hurry up and finish eating."
I neglect my manners and loudly slurp the remaining soup. The warm liquid slides down my throat and fills me up quickly and generously.

The strange guardian takes my bowl and bids me a good night while quietly shutting the door. I open my suitcase and rummage for a thin blanket. I drape the sheet over me as plop down on the mattress.

I gaze up at the ceiling while the moon's light ricocheted off my face.

So, this is my new life as an American huh? Let's see how this'll turn out.

I slowly drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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