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"Bring the rescues in." The blonde haired man said to the two high schoolers that stood in front of him. "Yes boss." The responded in unison. The one of the two left the room for about a minute before coming back in the new recruits. There were four in all, the one that looked hostile with glowing blue eyes and midnight hair spoke up first, "Who the hell are you!" he sneered, looking at the blonde haired man directly in the eyes. "I would also like to know that." The taller blonde man said with an emotionless face. "well, i was just about to get to that." the other blonde said, "My name is Ukai. Leader of Karasuno or as many call it, the crows." he said staring at them at them. "I cant be here..." said the smallest of the bunch. Everyone turned to looked at the red head who was quite clearly traumatized. His eyes where wide and his face was filled with fear. "I need to go save my sister..." he said taking a step back, then he turned around and attempted to sprint for the door but he was caught by the silver-haired man that escorted them in. "LET GO OF ME I NEED TO GO TO MY SISTER!" He said, his hazelnut eyes started to grow and he started to punch the man who was holding him until a calming scent surrounded the room. He stopped mid punch and his shoulders dropped. "but, they had her..." he whispered, and the started sobbing. The silver haired man hugged the orange haired boy as he cried. "Im sorry, what happened to your sister was terrible but you will get through it ok?" he said in a soothing voice, like one a mother would use to comfort a crying new born child. "T-those monsters ripped her apart." He said threw tears. "I know, i know. It going to be ok though." He said as he continued stroking the smaller boys hair. 

The was a loud "accidental" cough that led back to ukai. "You have two choices, either you join the crows, or you go back to the outer world." He said with a stunting tone. The blue eyed boy gritted his teeth, "And why would i trust you?!" he said with anger filling his face, "How can i- we know that its safe here!" He shouted, "Because unlike some people if you look at the situation at hand you could easily tell if he was aiming to murder or betray us unless your a dumbass." The blonde haired boy said still looking forward. "What did you just call me!?!" The raven haired boy shouted, "You'll hate that you said that." He said going up to punch him. Before he could the fourth boy with a tasteless face who had been standing behind the blondie the whole time grab his fist and twisted it, "OW!" the raven haired boy shouted, the boy with green hair seemed to regain consciousness and immediately let go. "I-im so sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you!" he said then his face went bland again, "But im going to have to ask you to refrain from touching Tsukki in any harmful way." he said looking the raven head dead in his eyes, "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?!" He said through gritted teeth, a smile lit up the green haired boys face as he held his hand out, "Hi i'm Yamaguchi Tadashi! This is Tsukishima Kei, though i call him Tsukki, It's nice to meet you!" He said in the purest way. The raven haired boy looked at him with the most confused face. "Well, are you going to shake his hand?" the blondie named tsukishima said with a smirk. The raven haired boy clicked his tounge and turned back around to face Ukai. Tsukishima sighed and turned back to ukai also. "Ill stay here i guess..." He said with no emotion, "i probably wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for tsukki, so ill have to stay also!" he said with a small smile. Ukai nodded to their responses and turned to raven head. "What about it?" he said, the boy sneered and looked out a near by window, He saw the distant fog that motioned for the outside world, "You must stay alive." the words rang threw his head like a church bell gone haywire. "I-I..... ill stay" he said transfering his eyes from the window to the floor."ok then, whats your name?" there was a bit of silence, "My name is kageyama tobio." he said keeping his eyes glued to the floor. "Great! And what about the red head." He asked, the red haired boy seemed to have calmed down a lot even though he was still shaking like a puppy. The silver haired boy who was holding him looked down, "Im sure your sister would want to know that her brother made it to safety." he said in a soothing tone, "Yea, i guess she would." the red head said, he slowly turned to look at ukai, "ill stay." he said in a soft whisper." Almost everyone in the room gave a soft smile. "your free to go now." He said, "Sugawara, daichi, show them to their bunks." he said. The silver and brown haired boys nodded and lead the boys out of the office and down the hallway.  

As they walked down the hallway the boys started to introduce themselves. "Hi, my name is koushi sugawara! But you can call me suga, im the co captain of watching and training you guys!" the sliver haired boy named suga said. "And i'm sawamura daichi, Captain of the crows. I'm in charge of teaching you guys and keeping you in line." daichi said as he continued walking, they were about to near a corner when 2 boys came out from behind the corner "NISHINOYA GIVE ME BACK MY UNO REVERSE CARD!" The taller of the two shouted, "NEVER YOU OUTDATED MEME!" The other shouted back, he was only centimeters away from the red heads face when he almost blurred. He had jumped on the wall beside them making a full run and the side of the wall and the roof. "Woah! How did you do that, that was so cool!" The red head shouted, the shorter boy stopped and looked back at him. "Well, even though im a special, i can still move faster than most! I call it rolling thunder!" He said throwing his hands up. "This is another member of the crows." Suga said firmly putting his hand on nishinoya shoulder. "Hes older than you guys and has more experience so please don't try to copy anything he does." He said as he squeezed nishinoya's  shoulder harder. "Ow! Suga that hurts!" Noya whined, "Then stop stealing other peoples stuff and running in the halls!" suga replied, giving noya the death stare. "FINE!" Noya said, suga finally let go of his shoulder and noya gave tanaka his card back. "I though it was really cool senpai!" The red head shouted, noya seemed to do a double take. Then you could almost feel his pride growing "Senpai huh? I like the sound of that!" He said with his hand on his chin, He looked at the red head and said "Whats your name kid?" His smile immediately faded as he started to remember. After a long pause the red head lifted his head, "m-my name is hinata shoyo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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