Second Chances

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"Come on, Libby. Live a little. You've never had a single thing of alcohol to drink in your life and the last time a man touched you was when you were in high school.... five years ago," my best friend, Melody, tried to persuade me as she poured us a cup of tequila. Handing me the cup as pounding music bellowed in my ears, I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Please, Melody. You're being melodramatic. I've had alcohol before and the last time I had sex with a man was a year ago. It was a one-night stand though and we both needed it." I tried to defend myself. Really, I was just too busy to have a sexual life, right now. I was in college working up to be a forensic scientist who examines dead bodies at a crime and figures out what their cause of death was. Gross and totally not sexy, but it was what I wanted to be since Freshman year. 

"Exactly. You both needed it and you need it now, too. So, I want you to go home with another man tonight and have sex with him," Melody told me with a blunt, serious voice. 

My eyes just about bulged out of their sockets. "Mel! What if they could be a killer?" I shouted, thinking of the worst. 

Melody simply chuckled as she rolled her eyes at me. "Look who's being melodramatic now. Come on. Let's just dance," she grinned, setting our drinks now and pulling me onto the dance floor. Crowds of sweaty, drunk people filled the area and I was finding it to be a little more hot in my tight, black leggings, ankle high black boots, off the shoulder grey top, and my black leather jacket on. 

Melody, noticing my discomfort, took my black jacket from me and left the floor to put it by our things. Feeling a sense of out-of-place, I began to walk off the dance floor, but was stopped by a pair of hot arms wrapping around me. 

"What the-" I'm cut off when I feel myself get pulled into someone's chest roughly, making a yelp leave my lips. "Excuse me-" again, I'm cut off when he tightens his hold on my waist, squeezing my flesh softly. My heart begins to skyrocket inside my chest as tingly sensations race through my veins, shooting down to my core. A soft moan leaves my lips involuntary when I feel him smirk against my neck. 

"Shh, child. Just accept it," his voice sends shivers down my spine and I can feel my hands begin to shake from either nervousness to pleasure- either way, they're shaking. 

"W-I-Who are you?" I ask, closing my eyes when his soft lips trail down the base of my throat. 

"Awe, now how could you forget me?" He teases, gently biting behind my ear, exactly where my sweet spot is. "Sh!t," I gasp, my eyes widening at the unfamiliar feelings that's racing in my veins. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I grow slightly confused as to why this man beings so much pleasure to me with just a single touch. "After all, we worked up quite an appetite last year." He mumbled, still pressing butterfly kisses to my skin. 

"Wait... A-A-Alex?" I stutter, biting my lip when his hand smooths up my stomach to grasp my breast in his large palm, squeezing it gently. 

"Right you are, darlin'," he chuckles, sweeping his other hand around to my stomach, clinging me to him so that I felt his uh... well... you know, against my butt. "Gosh, woman, you sure are a hard one to find. Y'know, I had to contact your friend to find out your whereabouts. The girl was skeptical at first, but once I told her why, she came up with a plan for me to see you, again. and let me just say, darlin', thought you're not in a short, skanky dress, you still manage to get me aroused," he smirked, flicking his tongue out to sweep across my sweet spot. Another moan leaves my lips and I close my eyes tightly. 

"Why-why would you go through all of that.. to-to find me?" I gasp out, biting my lip to contain the urge to moan again. 

"Because," he whispers in my ear, hotly, "I can't just let a girl that's been on my mind for a year, go, now can I? That would be torture for the both of us." He kisses the corner of my cheek, so close to my lips, but it feels so far away. The urge to turn around in his arms and kiss the life out of him is becoming very tempting, especially with the alcohol that's clouding my vision and keeping my rational side out. 

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