Chapter 2

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I was driving as carefully as I could, since it was my dad's car. My hands were shaking, and I was breathing nervously. It felt like I was driving for my driving test.

Every time I turned the wheel, I stopped breathing, and I felt tons of terror inside me. I was terrified of the idea of finding any scarifications on the car, afterwards. "Relax...Just enjoy the trip!" Chloe giggled.

"O..Okay." I said, trying not to break her excitement.

"Your dad won't kill you! Just drive, and enjoy this lovely weather!" She said, and laid her head back on her seat.

It was a sunny day, but the temperatures were being way to high for me. I couldn't stop sweating. All these annoying facts made it much more difficult for me to drive. 'It's just May, there is no need to be this warm.' I muttered to myself.

Chloe on the other hand, was enjoying our little 'trip' to that surprise place more than I did. She was smiling all the time, and she was really excited about this surprise. She was looking outside, and she had her earphones on. The wind was blowing on her face, and these black sun glasses she had on, made her look like a super model during a photoshoot.

Although my dad's car was too big for me to drive, it was prefect for her. She had never been in such a big and comfortable car with me, and that's why she literally rocked in that car; She was moving her body to the music she was listening to, she laid her head on my shoulder whenever she wanted to, and she was playing with her seatbelt. I didn't want to stop her, I was happy to see her like that.

You have reached your destination I heard the GPS saying.

Chloe took her earphones off, and looked at me. "Did we just arrive?" She asked me curiously.

"I don't know, what if YOU tell me?" I answered sarcastically, while I was parking the car.

She giggled, and took her seatbelt off. She fixed her hair, and took her bag from the backseat.

I pulled the handbrake, and took my keys. I slowly put my sunglasses on, opened the door, and stepped out of the car. "You may step out." I told her, and shut the car door behind me.

Chloe stepped out, while she was putting her phone in her bag. "This way." She said, and pointed a big wooden house at the end of that neighborhood. I just followed her without saying a word. I tried not to ask myself about that house she just pointed, but I couldn't help myself; How could our rehearsal be related with that house? Whatever it was..I would soon find out.

That neighborhood was really quiet. There were trees everywhere around there, and almost all of the houses had huge front gardens. That wooden house she pointed looked just like the rest of them, but my impatience made it look so special, and a surprise always seems special right?

"You know Max," Chloe interrupted my thoughts "I've been planning this whole thing for months," She started looking at me, as she was walking.

My eyes went off that house, and I tried to pay attention to her. "So whatever you'll think of this, I want you to know that I've tried hard to get us into this." She said, and gave me a sweet smile. That made my curiosity bigger, and my eyes automatically landed on that house again.

"I will like it. Don't worry." I giggled.

We were almost there, just a couple of meters away from that house. My heart was beating faster and my eyes were stuck on its white wooden door.

"Should I close my eyes?" I asked her, as we were about to enter the front garden.

"Your eyes can't hide anything...that door hides the surprise already." She told me and laughed.

One Song Or One LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz