Chapter 5: The scilence

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After all of the screaming and shots from the person who was asleep turned out he had a sawn off shotgun hidden under his pillow, the snecky little bugger. Anyway after all the comotion- screaming and shots from the gun- it all went scilent...

When i started to wake up all i could see was darkness; It was so dark that I couldent see my own hand in front of my face. Someone moved slightly next to me, me being me I screamed- what I am freaking out right now dont judge me- but that same person put their hand over my mouth before the scream became louder than it all ready was. Unexpectently a flash of light lit up the room and fryed my eyes but I ignored it because my arm was killing even more. Trying to look around the room with out hurting myself anymore; the only person i could see was Ori no Beck and no Alice. Along with Ori in the room there were huge boxes everywhere. That wasnt the creepy thing about it 'cause there was somthing alive in them and the nosie was echoing off the walls. I tryed to speak but somthing was still over my mouth it wasnt Ori 'cause he was on the other side of the room still knocked out, the worst thing about this is that I couldnt even move to go and help him as somthing or someone was holding me tight to a chair.

Closeing my eyes and taking deep breaths to calm down, thankfully it started working untill i heard foot steps from behind me; each step coming closer and closer. Then a farmilar voice well scream came after the foot steps. When Alice was finally infront of me it looked like she had been crying as her eyes were all red and puffy; but there was still no sign of Beck anywhere and I couldent really ask Alice because i was still gaged and I also couldent ask ori as he was still knocked out cold and the other side of the room, so not useful please note the sarcasm.

The room started to get freezzing cold and it slowly started to go dark again, then a small pinch on my sholder made me wince still wanting to scream and still nothing came out of it. In the darkness I heard grones coming from behind me and just like that somthing touched my sholder I completely freaked out; then in my left ear- at least I think it was my left ear I get mixed up- I heard "Dont worry it's Ori im here to rescue you and Alice." and with that I was slightly shocked but at the same time I am so happy ori was here with me. But the thing that was troubling me was where the hell was Beck I mean yer he is an annoying little prick most times but he is still one of my best mates and I was getting worried. I mean he just disaperd it is serioucly strange; I wonder.

Once Ori maneged to get both me and Alice out of the room in pich black might I add we ran through the dark hallways trying to find the exit. But im still confused about Beck because he was no-where to be seen. Alice decided to pipe up having her blond moments at inapropreiat moments "Where the hell are we going, cos i for one im getting tired of running?!?!" Okay now what to do I have two options: option one suger coat the truth or option two just tell her straight. I decided to whisper to Ori "What should we tell her?" Ori never actually awnserd me just wrapped his fingers round mine and squeezed my hand tight to say 'dont worry everything will be okay' Personally I dont think it worked but it done sothing to me beacuse my heart was doing back flips at his touch.

After a while we heard shouting and foot steps from behind us getting louder and stronger as they neared us. my brain was freaking out more than me, making me think 'Its the end we are all gonna die' nie way to keep positive brain thanks a bunch. The only thing that I didnt notice was that Ori was still holding my hand whilst we were running from the people who put us down here in the first place. We finally found a storage room to hide in and I said that we should find our own place to hide to make it harder to find us; Alice actually agreed with me but Ori didnt he said he would hide with me but I stood my ground and said no. Then he grabbed my other hand and pulled me accross the room behind some boxes instead of lisstening to me. As far as I knew Ori was still holding my hand but i couldent feel him behind me anymore, then a shiver went down my spine and I heard a whisper in my ear; when I turned around to see who it was somthing toched my lips, me being an idiot I didnt relise they were lips and that they were more importantily Oris lips. He was kissing me I mean like really kissing me but I flinched backwards making me come back to reality. I couldent think about him whilst we were hiding and knowing Alice she must be close, I mean come on she may of agreed with my idea but she would of found where I was and hid near me.

It went suddenly uber quiet and I got up to look out the door to see if it was safe and thankfully it was. I went back to tell Alice it was safe and to get Ori then meet me outside the door. She nodded and went to find Ori, after five minuets of waiting we were all out the door descusing the plan to get out when an alarm went off. With out thinking we just legged it down a random corridoor and hoped for the best.

A/N: sorry about the spelling mistakes not eddited yet. Setting the mood for this chapter Bring Me The Horizon - "Go To Hell For Heavens Sake"

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