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Three months later

Yeoreum-Mommy can I play at the play ground?

Gaeul-Nuna! *yelled
Yeoreum-Do you want to come with noona?
Yeoreum-Okay, let's go

Yeoreum held Gaeul's hand as they walked to the play ground. Yeoreum did not let go of Gaeul even for a moment. Bomi could still see her children from her place

Suho-Where is Chanyeol?
Bomi-Washroom. He will come back later

ChanMi and SuRong were having a double date picnic today. Plus Yeoreum and Gaeul

Chorong-Bomi ya, is it true?
Chorong-You are pregnant?

Bomi's mouth made an O. She chuckled and nodded her head. Chorong almost squealed

Chorong-Yeay! Another baby!

She clapped happily

Bomi-Mwoya. Stop being happy on behalf of someone else. You should have your own baby too

Suho-A point has been made!

Suho clapped once. Chorong puffed her lips, sipping her orange juice

Bomi-Eomo. Don't tell me you never tried
Suho-She never give me the chance to
Bomi-Chorong why?! You are guys married

Chorong-Aish this guy really want me to chop off his mouth. Bomi ya, don't trust him okay

Bomi rolled her eyes to the back. They might look tough and cold but deep down this couple was the sweetest. Maybe sweeter than Chanyeol and her but they never showed

Suho-Do you know how boring my life has been Chorong ahh? You works 20 hours everyday. I was all alone
Chorong-We will have our own when it's time. Stop blabbering

Bomi laughed at her friends. Then Chanyeol came back and he sat next to Bomi

Chorong-Are you okay?
Suho-What the hell dude. You look awful
Chanyeol-Yeah I'm fine. Just.. Terrible allergy

Suho-Allergy because???
Bomi-Couvade syndrome
Chorong-Really?! Hahaha

Suho-Mwoya, don't speak doctor language here. I don't understand
Bomi-It's a symptom when the husbands experience the same behaviour as expactant mother
Suho-That shit exists?

Chorong-Yes. And it is the best feeling ever
Bomi-Right. This time, I don't suffer from morning sickness anymore. Chanyeol is the one who will wake up in the morning and throw up

Chorong-Oh, I hope you will experience couvade syndrome too whenever I'm pregnant. Then I won't mind if you want a lot of children
Suho-Is it.. Bad?

Bomi-He can barely smell food. Look

Bomi put the mushroom soup bowl in front of Chanyeol. In no time, he started to feel nausea


He got up and rushed to the washroom again. Suho watched Chanyeol in disbelief

Suho-Oh no

Suho cupped his face. Bomi and Chorong laughed and they high-five


ChanMi-Let's eat!

Suho-They even scream at the same time. I'm jealous
Chorong-It takes seven years to create the synchronization. Stop complaining
Suho-We knew each other for 12 years
Chorong-We broke up half way so basically we just started again

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