Wish you were gay

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(Hope you enjoy!)
(Y/n) = your name
(Y/l/n) = your last name
(Y/s) = your sexuality
(Y/h/n) = your hero name
(Y/e/c) = your eye color
(Y/n/n) = your nickname

You met Ochako during the entrance exams for UA. You had been walking around while wearing the outfit that you thought would best suit your quirk, so you had somewhat of a boost during the exam.

You were (y/s), but you weren't actively looking for a partner at the moment. You've been mainly focused on training your quirk for the past few months in preparation for today.

While mindlessly walking around, waiting for the exams to start, you had accidentally bumped into someone, the force from the speed you were walking at caused them to fall over.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention. Are you ok?" You exclaimed bashfully while avoiding eye contact. You slightly crouched while extending your hand out for them to grab.

"It's fine! It's fine! I'm alright. Thank you for asking though." They said as they gently grabbed your hand. Once they did, you tightened your grip and pulled them up. God their hand was soft.

You breathed a sigh of relief at the fact they weren't upset with you. "Thank god you're not mad. I was worried that I would've had beef with one of my classmates before school even star- Wow you're pretty." You said as you finally looked at them. Your eyes met with a cheerful female, and a beautiful one at that. "Sorry. That was weird. I didn't mean to let that slip and-"

"It's ok, don't worry about it! Thanks for the compliment! I'm Ochako Uraraka. What's your name?" She said with a smile while shaking your hand that she had never let go of. Just from the few seconds that you've known her you could tell that she was perfect. You gave her a bright smile and said,

"(Y/n) (y/l/n)."

(Play song)

Baby, I don't feel so good
Six words you never understood

"Babyyyy~ I need hugs." You said as you fell into Uraraka's lap. You two had been best friends since you saw each other in class 1A on the first day. 

"Aw, come here (y/l/n) honey." She said playfully as she wrapped her arms around you. The two of you sat like that until class started. 

I'll never let you go
Five words you'll never say

It's been almost a year and Ochako hasn't shown any signs of liking you back aside from the playful flirting you two did. You wanted to be more than friends, but decided to take things slow, waiting for the day she says "I'll never let you go."

I laugh alone like nothing's wrong
Four days has never felt so long

Four days. It's been four days since Ochako and Midoryia made their relationship public. You knew about it before that, because Ochako had told you, but hearing them say it openly made it that much more real.
You laughed loudly as you joked with the Deku squad, but you weren't listening to a single word of the conversation. Your mind was focused on your crush and your best friend holding hands as you cried internally at the thought of your chances with Ochako getting lower.

If three's a crowd and two was us
One slipped away

Ochako and Midoryia always invited you to hang out with them, but your other friends were always too busy to come along, so you ended up always feeling like a third wheel. You started declining and hung out with Ochako separately, until she started canceling so she could go on more dates with Midoryia. The two of you stopped hanging out outside of school, and when you did get to talk to her alone (which was rare) she would just talk about Midoryia and how she wouldn't want any other boyfriend. You were tired of the entire situation and would often cry to yourself in your dorm room.

Wish you were gay (Ochako Uraraka x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now