Girlfriend? | Klaine

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Kurt walks over to the lunch line and someone bumps into him.

"Oh, hey Kurt!"

It was Tina but, when Kurt looked up, he saw his worst nightmare. Blaine Anderson. The two exchanged nervous looks.

"I was going to say, meet my new boyfriend Blaine? But it seems like you guys already met before?"

Blaine spoke up.

"Yeah... You could say something like that?"

Kurt nodded and quickly walked away.

I'm fucked...... crap, crap, crap, crap. Oh My God I Slept With Tina Cohen-Chang's fucking boyfriend?! 

Kurt started to hyperventilate and he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.


"What are you doing here?!"

"I go to school here?"

"No! You can't! We slept together! Many, Many times! And You're dating one of my best friends?!"

Blaine smirked and walked away

"Summer was great by the way!"

One-Shots | Klaine & CrissColferWhere stories live. Discover now