Part 7 - Guiding Key

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Kairi waited at the train station like Riku had asked of her, thankfully Xion had offered to join her since she wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of leaving Kairi alone at the moment.

"Where is he?" Kairi asked no one in particular.

"Just give him a bit, it's not like world travel is a quick and easy process." Xion answered.

"Hey!" Lea's voice called out which caught the attention of both girls.

"Lea!" Xion exclaimed excitedly as she leapt from her spot on the bench and ran towards her tall friend, pouncing on him and embracing him in a hug.

"Xion, how are you?" Lea happily greeted his black haired friend.

"Happy to see you!" Xion replied with a wide smile.

"You always say that." Lea replied. "Hey, is Roxas with you two?" He asked curiously.

"Nope, haven't seen him today." Xion answered as Kairi finally walked up next to her.

"I'm sure he's okay, it's Roxas after all." Lea said in response, at this point Isa had finally joined his friend.

"Isa, I was wondering where you were." Lea joked, Isa gave a small smile in response which quickly faded when he noticed Kairi again.

"Riku ain't here yet?" Lea asked, Xion shook her head in response.

"Well then....wonder what's keeping him." Lea added curiously.

"World travel takes quite a while, especially if one isn't travelling through the darkness." Isa chimed in.

"Eh, you got a point there Isa." Lea replied as he turned to look at his blue-haired friend.

"Knowing Riku...he wouldn't try using dark portals again." Xion observed out loud.

"Right." Lea snapped his fingers as he vocally responded.

"Kairi!" Riku's voice called out which caught everyone's attention.

Everyone saw Riku flying towards them on a hoverbike, fully dressed in keyblade armor.

"Riku?" Kairi questioned curiously as Riku jumped off his ride, turning it back into his keyblade as he landed.

"Nice ride, Riku." Lea complimented.

"It's something Terra taught me." Riku said in response as he unequipped his armor and returned to his regular outfit.

"Nice." Lea complimented "So Riku, Xion said that apparently you might have a lead on the whole Sora situation." He mentioned right after his quick compliment.

"Yeah, about that..." Riku began as he turned to look at Kairi "...We think we might be able to find Sora if we revisit all the worlds he previously went to, that's where Donald and Goofy are right now." He continued to explain.

"'s just a hunch?" Isa chided.

"Yes, but it's all we have right now." Riku shot back, he kept glancing at Kairi while he spoke. Xion noticed this and picked up on his hint.

"Lea! How about you,Isa,and I leave for a bit..." Xion suggested "Riku probably has a lot he needs to tell Kairi." She added as she began to push Lea and Isa away from the station.

"Y-Yeah! Sure thing." Lea nervously said as he began to stumble away with Isa and Xion, leaving Kairi and Riku alone.

"There's....something else." Riku began again.

"What?" Kairi asked.

"This." Riku answered as he dug into his pants pocket and pulled out the necklace that dropped off Reva, instantly Kairi's eyes went wide in shock.

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