Adventure to the East Blue

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It's been 2 years since Ace left to go search for Teach or Blackbeard. And not a day go's by that Lucy misses him. Sabo had taken over as Second division commander, and Lucy took Thatch's place temporarily since his wounds are still healing.

Everyone the on deck was crying except for Sabo and Whitebeard. Lucy changed over time her hair is still short but she wears a red sleeveless vest and blue jeans with fur. Her chest went from c-cups to double d's. Her hips were fuller and rounder. Giving her body an hourglass figure. The vest was tight around her chest so in showed some cleavage. It hugged her tiny waist which exposed her belly button.

Imagine if Ace wasn't on deck to see her off

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Imagine if Ace wasn't on deck to see her off.

Everyone was surprised that their Lucy turned from the cute neko to the teenage cat woman they all feared she'd become

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Everyone was surprised that their Lucy turned from the cute neko to the teenage cat woman they all feared she'd become.

They knew she was oblivious to flirting and Ace would murder them for let her go back to the East blue without protection. But they knew she could handle herself, they don't call her 'Sea Empress Lucy' for nothing. Lucy gave everyone her final goodbye's and left for the East blue.

East Blue,Dawn Island
On the beach waiting was Makino and Dadan. Makino was still the same but Dadan changed a lot.

 Makino was still the same but Dadan changed a lot

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Lucy is in for a surprise of a life time. She made it to the shore and saw Makino and a woman? Did she know her or is she familiar. Anyway she made her clothes dry by removing the water.

Makino gave Lucy a hug and was smiling at her. Lucy" Makino-nee I missed you so much and who is that?" She tilted her head to the side,"Oi you don't recognize me brat?!" Lucy gave a plain face" Oh it's Dadan, so Makino-nee how are you." Dadan fell down anime style.

Lucy only sweat dropped. " Makino-nee I can't stay on the island for long,oh I forgot here that's for feeding me yummy food bye," Makino looked in the brown sack and saw pearls, gold coins and other gems.

Makino only giggled and looked at the sunset. Dadan got up" Hey Makino you think Garp's blood pressure is threw the roof." Makino only giggled," Lucy already made it this far but I believe she'll reach her goal."

Lucy was sailing as she saw the sunset she asked a sea king to watch the boat as she slept. He agreed,

Lucy's dream
You see two people but they had wings one was a girl with white wings. The other on was a boy with black wings." We can't be together it's forbidden how can an angel be with a demon?!" The girl only smiled" We can be together it doesn't matter where we come from I will always love you." The boy"And I love you to,no matter how far I am or if I see you in a new or past life I'll love you through out time."

End of dream
Lucy mumbled""
Unaware that Ace was having the exact same dream as he slept in an inn.

Day 1 done.
Me- finally done 'falls down in exhaustion. Then Ace pokes you with his finger. You open your eyes to see him.

Ace"Oi Author-chan why can't you write anymore I wanna know what happens next."

You gave him a groan until Sabo came to your rescue and stopped Ace.
Sabo" Ace you need to stop messing with Author-chan , if she doesn't get her 30 hours of sleep the story will never be finished."

Lucy saw you and put a blanket on you just like before." Sssh.. can't you see she's asleep with all your shouting she can't rest." You give a small smile without knowing. Remembering the same things happened 12 years ago.

Not author-chan

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Not author-chan.

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