Chapter 2: Where are we?

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          I begin to slowly regain consciousness and I feel something soft and damp under me. As I open my eyes I realize that I'm in a field of unnaturally bright green grass that has a blanket of dew over it. As I stared into the orange shaded sky I noticed that the sun was rising. This is kind of eerie, the silence creeps me out.

          Suddenly a wave of concern washes over me as I realize I fell with Manny and Alia. I jolted up and instead of seeing my friends I saw an elf and a strange demon person sitting in front of me. Then, as if in unison, we all scream in fear and confusion.

          "Who are you?!" I yell as I stand to back away from the strangers.

          "Who are you?" The elf retorts with a hint of snark in their voice.

          "I asked you first!" I yell, getting more and more anxious and annoyed.

          "And I asked second!" They yelled back as they stood up as well.

          "¡Por Dios! Will both of you quit fighting!" A loud demonic voice boomed.

          With much reluctance the elf and myself sit back down.

          "Since you two seem to not want to introduce yourselves I'll go first. My name is Emanuel Palmer, but you can call me Manny if you want." The demon said in a friendly tone. Wait a second.


          "Yea, that's my name."

          "It's me, Oliver. Oliver Jackson!"

          "Wait you guys are Ollie and Manny?" The elf asks.

          "Yea, that must mean you're Alia right?" Manny says pointing at the elf.

          "No shit sherlock." She says with a hint of anger.

          "Language!" Manny says in their 'Dad voice'.

          "Before we start arguing, does anyone have any idea where we are?" I ask before things start to escalate.

          "How should we know where we are dickhead!?" Alia yells at me, the stress clear in her voice.

          "Oi! Let's all just take a deep breath and calm down." Manny says to try and calm Alia down.

          "I can't calm down! We're in an unknown place! We look very different! We sound different! And I'm just very overwhelmed right now!" Alia says as her voice shakes and tears start to fall from her eyes.

          Immediately Manny and I hug her.

          "It's ok, you're ok, we're ok, we're here, everything will be ok." Manny says in the softest voice they could manage.

          For the next hour or so we sit like that. Hugging each other until Alia calms down.

          "I'm good now guys. Sorry for breaking down." Alia says, taking a deep breath.

          "It's ok. You have every right to feel overwhelmed." I say to comfort her.

          We seperate from the group hug and stand up.

          "By the way, is anyone else confused as to what we're wearing?" Manny asks.

          We all look at each other, then ourselves.

          Manny is probably the most different out of all of us. Instead of the bright blue t-shirt and beige pants they were wearing before we ended up here they're now wearing all black clothes with matching black leather armour with white fur around the edges on top of their clothes. They, surprisingly, don't have any shoes on. This is weird because they dislike the feeling of the ground on their feet so they almost always cover their feet. They also have a very large black battle axe on their back, which honestly looks pretty cool, and very heavy. There are gold cuffs on the 2 horns that now adorn their head, weird. Their tanned skin is now a pale purple and their previously short and curly dark brown hair is now long, straight and a very non-blinding white. Though they still have their big, round, wire glasses, it kinda makes them a bit less intimidating. They are also at least 2 feet taller than me, which is annoying. Also am I shorter now? Whatever, moving on.

          Alia has also changed quite a bit. Instead of her black oversized hoodie, Alia is now wearing a forest green v-neck that is tied closed with a lace. She also now has tan pants as opposed to blue jeans. Her Combat boots have been changed into flat leather boots that go to just below her knees. On top of her shirt is a leather corset that, I assume, doubles as armour. Her previously dark blue and short hair is now long and reddish brown. Her hair goes behind her pointy ears and over the bow that is fastened securely to her back along with a quiver of arrows. She also appears to be taller than me by a foot. Again did I shrink??

          Then I look down at myself and I have changed the least. I'm no longer wearing my nice red shirt and black sweatpants. I now have what I can only describe as the first 2 pieces of a 3 piece suit. The button down shirt is black and the vest is a dark red, mahogany I think? I still have black pants though but now they're skin tight instead of baggy. Almost like jeans without a zipper or button. My sketchers are now brown boots that remind me of pirate boots. I'm also wearing a dark red cloak that has gold designs along the edges and an image of a flame on the back. I also noticed that my once semi-long light brown hair is now dark, short and curly, it kinda reminds me of Manny's hair. My skin is also a lot like Manny's, instead of pale it's now tanned. Seriously, did I get shorter??

          As I look up I see that I have, indeed, gotten shorter because all I see is the other 2 staring down at me.

          "So this is what it's like to be the tall one." Alia says with a shit eating grin. God, she's so gonna regret saying that.

          "Oh hush!" I retort, a little upset that I'm now the shortest one in the group as opposed to the tallest. Why am I the short one!?

          "Alright let's see if there's a city or something nearby." I say to the others.

          "Good idea." Manny says as we all start looking around for any sign of civilisation. After a few seconds of scanning the horizon, Alia spots something.

          "Look over there!" Alia says pointing to what appears to be a small town. I can't actually see anything but trees but apparently it's there.

          "Aight' let's head over shall we!" I say, leading the way.

          "Let's." Manny responds as both Alia and Manny follow me down the small hill we were on and towards the village. Then perhaps we might find out where we are.

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