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A young girl sat on her bed, sleeping soundly. It was 1989 in Cairo, Egypt. She had long blonde hair, and the area of her face around her nose and cheeks was littered with freckles.

As the door to the room she was sleeping in opened, she slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them a bit as she sat up. Her eyes were a light brown, and she blinked them slowly as she looked at the man now standing in her room. He was tall man, with blonde hair similar to hers. He also had the same brown eyes as the young girl.

He walked over to her bed and sat down on the end. "I have to go do some stuff Celia. Adult stuff, that only I can do. It's dangerous, but I want you to promise you won't leave your room. If you do, I'll get hurt and I won't be able to come back." He held out a pinkie towards her. "Promise?"

The girl laughed a bit and wrapped her pinkie around his. "Okay Daddy!" she cheered, smiling at the man she called her dad.

Suddenly, the door opened once more. "Lord DIO, Joseph and his friends have arrived," a man said from behind the door.

"Stay here, alright Celia?" the man, DIO said, smiling a bit as the girl nodded. With that, he swiftly left the room, leaving the young girl alone.

The girl sat in her room, doing her best to entertain herself. She flipped through a few books she had, tried to take a nap, and played with her dolls for a while. However, the young girl couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong.

She knew it was wrong to break the pinkie promise she made with her dad, but she shook it off, slowly opening the door to her room and walking out, down the stairs and heading towards the exit. She left the mansion she lived in, and turned the corner. Soon however, she regretted even leaving her room.

Despite being young, Celia was no stranger to the subjects of death and blood. She did live with a murderous vampire after all. So when she turned the corner and saw her father, DIO, lying motionless in a pool of blood, all she could do was scream.

She stopped screaming and fell to the ground, breathing heavily as she looked at the man standing over her father. He wore a school uniform, and had black hair as well as a hat that seemed to merge with his hair. He had a hateful look on his face, what some might call a resting bitch face.

Celia shakily stood up and ran at him, punching his legs. "Go away! Bring him back! Bring my dad back! You killed him, you hurt him!" she said, beginning to cry.

The older man simply glared at her, kicking her away. "The hell are you doing?" he questioned, staring at her.

She stood up shakily and said through tears, "I want you to bring him back! Bring my dad back!" Her voice was shaky and cracking, tears streaming down her face. Suddenly, she collapsed, her eyes slowly falling shut, her head hitting the pavement of the road she had been standing in.

"Good grief ," the black-haired male said, walking over to Celia, carefully picking her up.

Soon, the Speedwagon foundation arrived, taking DIO's lifeless body, as well as Mr. Joestar's body. The other male, Jotaro, sat in the same truck as them, still holding the girl.

She remained unconscious all the way until they landed back in Japan, where she woke up as the plane came to a stop. "Hey," Jotaro said, looking at her.

She jumped a little bit slowly relaxed. "W-where am I? Where's my dad?"

"You're in Japan. DIO is dead, and I've been tasked with taking care of you," Jotaro said, staring down at her.

She bit her lower lip a bit then muttered out a quiet 'okay' as they stood up, exiting the plane together.

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