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Jemma was missing her friend so much but there was nothing she could do about it now. The sun was setting so it was nearly time for dinner. She didn't have any time to worry about Willow. Her parents had planned a special movie night for her with ice-cream, snacks and pizza to get her mind off of Willow. They ended up watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was the first time in three years her parents had managed to stay up that long. The last time they had attempted to watch it, her parents fell asleep within the first half an hour. This was Willow's favourite movie series and it saddened Jemma to be watching it without her. They continued to watch the movie as it got darker and darker outside. The night went on, slowly as it did. Jemma's eyes were getting droopy. Although her parents had managed to stay awake, she couldn't. Her eyes closed lazily. She was struggling to keep them open. Soon she was asleep on the couch. Her parents noticed her breathing heavily and her closed eyes. Her father lifted her up into his arms and over his shoulder. He hadn't carried her to bed since she was very young, almost a decade ago. As she was placed gently into the warmth of her bed she uttered a goodnight to her parents and fell swiftly asleep.

The night seemed to rush by. It didn't even allow Jemma any time to dream. She was awoken by a subtle buzzing sound near her head. There was a call from an unknown number. It was unusual to be getting a call this early in the morning. It was even more unusual for her to answer a call from someone she didn't know. This is especially true since it was always a scammer. When Jemma picked up the phone she was shocked. She was certain it was Willow's voice coming through the speaker. Jemma just sat there gawking, her mouth wide open in amazement. How could it have been Willow? There was just no way it could have been. Nevertheless, it was. Or at least Jemma was pretty sure it was. She started crying over how happy she was to hear her best friends voice again. Although it had only been two days since she last saw her, it had felt like months. She couldn't hold in her tears, she was just emotional as the night Willow went missing, possibly even more so now.

Willow starts to explain what happened in great detail. She seemed more excited rather than scared about the whole situation, but it may have just been the rush of adrenaline speaking. Jemma could hear Willow becoming short of breath. She was talking so quickly; her words were almost too difficult to understand. "Oh wow... Willow, slow down, I can hardly hear you", she chuckled, small tears still streaming down her face. Willow slowed and quietened to almost a whisper. Jemma didn't know why she began to whisper but didn't question it. Jemma was told of everything that had happened since that night. It was all so unbelievable it sounded like a fairy tale. She found it hard to believe but continued to listen out of respect for her friend. Willow had the best storytelling voice in Jemma's opinion. Even if this story was true, it still sounded lovely when spoken in her soft voice. Jemma could do nothing but trust her and wait until she returned home; hopefully unharmed. Once finished, Willow hung up. Jemma didn't want her to go again. Mainly out of fear this would be the last time she'd hear her voice. She was lenient but gave in to Willows wishes to leave. She was hungry anyway and thought it best to allow Willow to go eat as well... if she was even allowed to.

Jemma's mum called out to her from downstairs. "Jemma, come on sweety time to get up, I've made breakfast!", her voice echoed through the entire house. It was impossible to not hear it and yet Jemma tried to ignore it most times which angered her mum. Whilst at the table, she sipped her orange juice and chatted to her parents. Then the topic of renovating came up. It was something Jemma had been dreading for years, but she never really thought it'd actually happen. It meant she'd have to help pack up the whole house, only to unpack it again a week later. At least she could reorganise her room and throw away some old things she'd never use again. Her cupboards mainly consisted of clothes, shoes, jewellery and toys from when she was little. Of course, she'd keep most of it but space had to be made to fit more in. It was almost time for the painters and builders to be there so it was best she got started as soon as possible. Her parents had forgotten to tell her through all the upset of Willow's disappearance. This meant she only had two to pack up the kitchen, lounge-room and her own bedroom. It was short notice but it'd be manageable if they were fast.

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