The next day

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I meet up with him in the morning and walked together because are locker are right next to each other. I was not thinking about when am going to tell him I liked him. He told me if I wanted coffee later I said sure. It was later on in the day and walked to the coffee place he was seating the with to coffees. I took a seat. I was scared to tell him I liked him. I thought in my head if I don't ask him he is going to have a girlfriend and it would be to late. I just went for it I told him that I liked him and. My heart was beating and so fast and I was scared. he said I like you to but I did not know when to tell you. I smiled and he smiled back. Then he told me if I wanted to be his girlfriend,I said of course. It was official, I went back home and stared to text him and I went to sleep. The next morning he grabbed my hand had walked to are next class. During lunch he told me to seat with him and I did. We stared to walk to school together and hold hands the days got by and one day he told me to meet somewhere after school. I was thinking why because he did not tell me. The day went by and I saw him on his phone I said hi we put his phone in his back pocket and  he lean forward and kissed me I was surprised I new it was going to happen one day but not today.

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