Chapter 3

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Sherlocks POV

We come up to our apartment. It was a year ago since last time I was here. Everything feels different, as if I've always been here but never seen all the things before. John walks up behind me and takes my hand. Then I know what's different. Now John knows how I feel, and he feels the same way. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back. I'm happy I've been away from all of this, but I'm happier to be back!

Johns POV

I look at Sherlock while he checks our flat as if I hadn't cleaned. Why would I? I mean, I wouldn't have had the strength before to pack away his things. I'd probably get even more depressed than I was.

The awkward silence spreads over the room. I have to think of something to say before he enters his mind palace.

"Lunch? Anyway, I'm hungry!" He says

"Sure" I say pretty surprised.

He walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. He looks surprised and says

"Where are my eyes?"

"They went bad after a month" I answer.

"What about my thumbs?"

"Mrs. Hudson didn't like them"

He grabs some food out of our for once full refrigerator, or he takes leftovers from my meals and warms them in the microwave. I set up trays with plates and silverware. We sit down to eat, but just then Mrs. Hudson walks in the room.

"There's another bedroom upstairs, if you'll be needi. ." she starts

"Shut up Mrs. Hudson! He Interrupts. Of Course we won't be needing two bedrooms"

I laugh a little. I never thought I would hear that from him. Mrs. Hudson gives me a look that means about I-told-you-so. I look at Sherlock. He keeps on eating and pretends that Mrs. Hudson isn't there.

Sherlocks POV

Mrs. Hudson walks out from the room giggling. After she has left our flat I say:

"We're not going to have two bedrooms? Right?"

"If you don't want us too" he answers.

"We'll take my room. Then we can use your room for something else."

"A lab maybe. Then we can use the kitchen table." He says sarcastically

We start to laugh, I gaze into his eyes, then I lean over the table and kiss him.

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