PSA (rushed oop)

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i have literally have no idea how to put links here
but pls take a few minutes of your time to sign
the petitions towards the #blacklivesmatter move-
ment. one soul behind a signature means a lot.

check out twitter with the keywords "petitions to sign"
and sIGGGNNN it makes cHAANGE.

if you are against this protest i really do not care if
you unfollow or block me, or come attack me for what
i stand for, go ahead it's not wrong to have opinions.
but i would encourage you do have some background research before stating anything irrelevant or plain
ignorant cos i'm literally kinda tired of fact checking
lindas  on twitter seriously.

but please educate yourself. all people of color must
unite! white allies! we must fight for our black friends,
neighbors, and fellow citizens! do your part! we can make
a difference! make your voice heard!!

if you really want someone to talk to about all this

it's only the start of a new decade

lmao thay sounds purgey

anyways black lives matter

also im filipino

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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