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You woke up a bit early. You did your morning routine and got dressed to pick up your daughter from the hospital.
You wore this:

Minghao suddenly woke up

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Minghao suddenly woke up .
"Hurry up and get dress, I want to get Hua,"  you said excited
He smiled at how excited and cute you were.
" Okay," he said heading straight to the bathroom.
You and  Minghao went straight to the hospital.
They handed you baby Hua and you were so excited to hold her again.

You brought her a cute jacket and a hat to cover her head being exposed to the air.
You and Minghao went into the car and Put her in the car seat.
" I can't wait for Tzuyu to see her," you said excitedly to Minghao.
" I can't wait for Mingyu to see her," Minghao replied with a smile.
You and Minghao finally arrived at home with Hua.
You got Hua out her car seat. She didn't even sleep throughout the whole ride home.
" Baby Hua, this is your home," she said in a baby voice.
Hua's eyes widen at how big the house is.
You laughed at how cute she was.
You and Minghao entered the house and saw Mingyu and Tzuyu standing right in front of the doorway.
" Awwww she's so precious," Tzuyu said as she rushed to hold the baby.
" She's too cute," Mingyu said in uwu.
" Can I hold her?," Tzuyu said.
You gave Hua to Tzuyu.
She looked straight into Hua's eyes and smiled.
" Hi baby Hua, I'm your Auntie Tzuyu," she said smiling.
Hua flashed a quick smile at Tzuyu.
" SHE SMILED AT ME!!!," Tzuyu teased.
You and Minghao just laughed at Tzuyu's actions.
"It's my turn now !!," Mingyu said to Tzuyu.
Tzuyu rolled her eyes and gave Hua to Mingyu.
Mingyu was just mesmerized at the cute little figure.
" She is too cute," Mingyu said in love
" Hua?, I'm your Uncle Mingyu," he said smiled.
Hua flashed a little smile at Mingyu but this time it was longer.
" She smiled at me the Longest," Mingyu Teased Tzuyu
Tzuyu rolled her eyes.
Tzuyu pouted at Hua.
Minghao suddenly got a text on his phone from his mom.
(MH Mom): " Hey Son, how are you?,
[Minghao]: " Hello Mother I'm good , how about you?
(MH Mom) " I'm good son,"
(MH Mom) " Minghao,I need a place to stay"
[Minghao] : " Wait... I thought you were living with your Boyfriend mom.
(MH Mom) " He cheated on me :(
[Minghao] " Why?!?!
(MH Mom) " I found him in bed with another woman..."
Minghao paused.
[Minghao]: " That jerk."
[Minghao]: " Where are you now ?"
(MH Mom) " I'm over my friend's house for the weekend.
[Minghao]: " I'll text you later mom.
(MH Mom) " okay bye and I love you.
[Minghao]: " ... Love you too".
" Are you okay Minghao?," you said worriedly rubbing his back.
" Yea, my mom texted and said she needed a place to stay at," Minghao said putting his phone down on the table

" Wait... I thought she was staying over her Boyfriend's house," you said confused.

" He cheated on her and they broke up," he explained.
You paused.
" What are we gonna do?," You said looking at him.
" Do you mind if she moves back in?," he said softly.
It took you some time to think about and you made you final decision.
"Minghao, my answer is....."

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