Chapter 1 : Getting Ready

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Author's Note

Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos."

Raven enjoyed meditating in the living room. Especially on Saturday mornings. It's usually the most peaceful time of day in the tower. Usually. Today the room was filled with conversation and the buzz of excitement.

"I am most excited to enjoy the land of sand and water." Starfire beamed, floating off the ground.

"I'm excited for the beach too Starfire." Robin concurred as he, Cyborg and Beastboy brought the cooler in.

"Will you not be joining us on the 'beach day' Friend Raven?" Starfire asked.

"I'm not interested."

Robin frowned. He expected Raven to turn them down, but he kind of hoped she wouldn't.

"Aww, come on Raven. It'll be fun." Beastboy said in a persuasive tone, putting his arm around Raven's shoulder.

"You and I have different definitions of fun." Raven replied, removing Beastboy's arm from her shoulder.

"Pleassssssseeeeee." Starfire, Beastboy and Cyborg pleaded.

"Look..." Raven started as she looked up and past the three of them. She saw Robin packing the cooler. He looked slightly... disappointed?

'Why?' Raven thought.

"Fine, I'll go." Raven said defeated.

"Glorious!" Starfire exclaimed.

Robin stuck his head in the open fridge and smiled.

"She's really coming." Robin thought as his smile grew.

"Glad you decided to come Rae!" Cyborg exclaimed.

"Alright. I'm gonna waterproof my circuits and double check the tower's defenses while y'all go change. We're leaving in thirty."

"Sure" Beastboy shrugged while he and Robin turned to leave. Soon after Cyborg followed. As Starfire was heading, out she noticed Raven making some herbal tea.

"Are you not coming to change friend Raven?" Starfire asked sort of confused.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Raven asked slightly offended.

"Nothing." Starfire said in defense "Is it not appropriate for someone to change into the suit of swimming?"

"Yes. This is my swimsuit" Starfire pouted

'Why did Raven not want to change into the suit of swimming?'

Just then Starfire got an idea.

"May you join me in the decision of my swim clothing?"

Just as Raven was about to reject her Starfire gave her a pleading look and Raven gave in.

"Why not?" Raven sighed, clueless to what Starfire had planned for her.

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