Pride Special

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Would like to note, through out the first section of the book there is many mentions of Blair having been attacked by homophobic people. The idea is that they are the same group of people (not necessarily the exact same person each time but a same sorta gang of people — not an actual gang but you get me) that attack her. Bisexuality is not an appearance, I just hadn't made this clear when I first wrote this book. Hopefully one day I'll get the courage to read through and edit it.

Edited: 17/10/21

Elizabeth Blair Scott was fourteen when she first realised that she wasn't what society wanted her to be. When she realised her life wasn't ever going to be handed to her on a silver platter — not that it was before her brutal discovery.

Blair went to a particular homophobic school and had many homophobic neighbours, so finding out she was bisexual was like a stab to her stomach.

She only had three friends as it was, JJ, Hannah and Cassie. And much to her embarrassment, she trusted the wrong one of the three.

When a year had passed and she bucked up the courage to speak up, Blair told her best friend Hannah what she was.

As suspected Hannah (who was supposed to be at her side no matter what) was disgusted, accused her of having a crush on her and outed her to the rest of her school.

Blair was forced to take a lot of harassment from the people around her. Physical abuse, verbal and sexual comments were often thrown her way.

And now she was even more lonelier. Hannah had become pretty popular and Cassie and JJ were the only ones there to support her.

When she was sixteen Blair faced the worst of it. Walking home was dangerous, and on one particular day the poor girl got grabbed and pushed hard into a brick wall.

Jake was her current and main abuser. He was the stereotypical jock from American based films. The type to sexualise girls and look down on those deemed below him. Long story short, Jake was far from a good person.

His hands often wondered like they did at the moment. There was darkness in his eyes — a reason for Blair to freak out.

She thrashed and cried out. Desperation was something that took over her. Blair couldn't even think about what she was doing, she just hoped it was something.

Elizabeth was sixteen the first time she was nearly raped. And under no circumstances was she proud of it, rather she was embarrassed a peer from her class tried to do that to her.

It was safe to say she was shocked when a blind man managed to save her.

Jake had gone running and Blair pressed herself into the wall, trying not to cry.

"Thank you." She whispered. "Blair." Blair said holding her hand out as an offer to shake.

"Matt." The man said putting his hand a few inches away from the girls. Blair moved her hand to join his, and shook it.

And the very next day, Jake returned to school bruised and seemingly shy or scared of everyone.

When she was eighteen, Blair got into her first proper relationship with a girl.

Dating Millie Frey was heaven. The red head was a lovely girl, gentle and patient and had faced similar situations her lover had.

The two often went to cheep restaurants (or even got street food) yet dressed up nice and enjoyed their time.

Blair imagined heaven was just that, love and happiness.

It appeared Jake wasn't done with the girl. At nineteen the two had a similar encounter in dark alley with his gang of friends, cigarettes and marks.

His hand covered her mouth as they pressed their cigarette into her skin, burning it. She still had the marks years later.

She did her best to get free. A group of men against one girl. But that girl had been trained by her mother and her mother's adopted father, Stick.

Acting dumb, weak and fragile was her specialty, and in doing so she had the element of surprise on her side.

And for years things happened to her, causing harm to her mind and body. A lot of encounters by Jake and his friends, but eventually they stopped when he was arrested for petty theft.

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