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Dean Winchester was amazing. Everyone knew it, too. He was absolutely gorgeous, with pretty blonde hair and these beautiful green eyes. At first, Castiel noticed nothing special about him. But over time, as he watched him perform and speak to an audience, he realized holy shit, this guy is inhumanly hot.

It took him awhile to look Dean straight in the eye after that. Of course, that didn't happen much, because Dean got the lead in every goddamn play the school had ever had, and Cas just ran tech.

Cas was now sitting in the small tech room as Dean practiced his lines onstage, listening to music and drumming his fingers along. He was so engulfed in the music that he didn't even notice when Dean stopped. He did, however, notice when someone tapped his shoulder.

He spun around so fast he nearly tumbled over. He was seriously surprised to see Dean standing there, looking a bit sincere.

"Sorry for scaring you," He said, flashing a smile. Cas grinned and pushed up his glasses a bit.

"That's okay. What d'you need, Dean?" Cas sat up a little, trying to keep himself from blushing.

"Uh, could you do me a favor and come down to the stage? I need someone to tell me if I'm doing this scene well or not." Dean laughed and shrugged.

"Oh, sure. I'm not that busy, I'm just The tech room is where I go when I wanna be alone, because no one ever comes up here, y'know?" Cas stood up. Dean nodded and started walking down to the stage, followed by Cas.

"Yeah," He said. They walked to the stage in silence, the only sound being their footsteps echoing in the hallway.

Once they got there, Cas sat in the front row of the theater, watching Dean rehearse the scene. He was happy, as this was a good excuse to stare at him for five minutes straight without getting weird looks. Dean was pretty glad, too. Not just because he was able to get feedback on his acting, but that Cas' face was bright red the entire time he talked to him.

After Dean finished, he smiled at Cas. "How was that?" He asked eagerly. Cas nodded and grinned.

"It was great!" He replied. "You're an awesome actor, Dean. You should really become famous someday."

"Only if you major in IT or somethin' when we get into college." Dean laughed. "What would I be without my tech guy?"

Cas couldn't help but chuckle a little at this, his face going red. "You'd still be great."

"But none of the actors would be able to perform onstage without you doing the lights and stuff!" Dean argued. "I--We--need you, Cas! You're the goddamn backbone of this theater!"

"I--thank you." Cas murmured. Just then, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Cas pulled the phone out and read the text.


Dad wants you home, kiddo.

Cas sighed and looked up at Dean, who asked, "Who's that?"

"My brother. My dad wants me to head home. I mean, it's only--" Cas looked at his phone again for the time. "--Oh. It's almost eight. Yeah, I should definitely head home."


YO! This is a new destiel fic, as you can tell :-)

Tell me what you think, and I'll probably continue, as I've lost most of my motivation for my other stories...


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