Chapter 1

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The next day, school wasn't the best place for Cas. But he forced himself out of bed and out the door. He spent the previous night studying until four am, and had gotten a grand total of an hour and a half of sleep. He took the bus to school, something he rarely did, and got to school only to find out that the test he studied for all night had been moved to next week.

Needless to say, he was having a rough day. During lunch, he sat alone, as usual. He didn't have the energy to buy his lunch, and he wasn't really hungry, so he just kinda sat there for the first fifteen minutes. Just as he was about to pass out, someone sat across from him. Cas' head snapped up, and he found Dean sitting across from him.

"Hey," Dean greeted. "Did you sleep at all last night? Y'look exhausted."

"Thanks for noticing." Cas rubbed his eyes, which didn't really cease the blurriness.

"I still have, like, a half an hour of lunch. Want me to go get you a coffee?" Dean offered. Cas nodded drowsily.

"Please," He mumbled. Dean nodded and stood up.



"You're coming with me."

"...Okay." Cas muttered and stood up. "Thank you, Dean."

"Not a problem." Dean smirked, starting to walk out to his car. Cas shuffled closely behind him, looking like he would pass out at any given moment.

Once they got to Dean's car, a beautiful black '67 Impala, Cas got in the passenger side. Dean grinned at him and got in the driver's seat.

They drove to the nearest Dunkin Donuts. Within the first two minutes of the car ride, Cas had closed his eyes and was asleep. Dean didn't know how long his lunch was, just that his was thirty minutes.

When they got there, Dean had to wake Cas up to see what he wanted and how long his lunch was. After Cas told him, he ordered. They both had another half hour of lunch, so Dean parked his car in the school parking lot and they both ate lunch there.

After Cas ate the donut he got, Dean said he could lay in the backseat for the last ten or so minutes. Cas nodded and laid down on the leather seat, his jacket covering him.

Dean couldn't help but smile at him and how cute he was.

Wait, cute?

Sure, Dean had questioned whether or not he was straight for awhile, but this is what did it for him. He realized, Wow. I like guys. Guys are hot.

He smirked and turned on the radio softly. Just loud enough to hear, but not loud enough to wake Cas. It was a song Dean only recognized from that movie Guardians of the Galaxy.

He sighed a little and relaxed, keeping his eye on the clock.


After school, at the rehearsal, things went normal. Cas sat up in the tech room, talking to Charlie, the director, every now and then. He knew what to do and when to do it, but Charlie found if necessary to check and double-check.

Every now and then, Dean would glance up at him and smile, and Cas would smile back. Were they friends now? They talked and Dean did buy Cas a coffee and lunch earlier that day...

No. Cas wasn't good enough for someone as nice as Dean. Of course not.

After rehearsals, Cas sat up in the tech room, shutting things off and getting ready to walk home. They only lived down the street a bit, so Cas usually walked to school and back.

To his surprise, Dean came up to say hi and see if he needed any help. Cas shook his head no and continued, but Dean stuck around, talking to him about random stuff.

"So, Cas, y'got a girlfriend?" Dean asked nonchalantly. Cas' head shot up and he looked at Dean.

"I, um..." His face went red. "I'm not really...into girls..." He mumbled, looking down. He hoped that Dean wasn't homophobic or anything. But Dean seemed cool.

"Oh. That's cool," Dean smirked. "Y'know, I'm into both girls and guys."

"You are?" Cas asked softly.

"Yeah. Haven't really got to experiment with guys, but I'm definitely bi. In fact, d'you know any cute ones?" Dean raised his eyebrows, grinning.

"Um," Cas whispered. Yeah, you, he thought. "Yes."


Thanks for reading! I wish I could see my word count for this, but I'm on mobile, so sorry if it's short!!
Tell me what you think!

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