The Ocean

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—EreHisu Fanfic [One shot]—




AFTER THE MILITARY Volunteers began building the harbor, Eren went to the Queen's orphanage for his weekly visitation, where he and Historia hold hands, for him to remember some important memories that might aid them for Paradis.

With Floch as his wing-man, they entered the farm and saw a bunch of children running around, while some of the older kids were helping with farm work. He immediately spotted the blonde seated under a tree. Before approaching her, Eren gave Floch a look, which the lad understood and went straight to the farmhouse.

"Eren!" the Queen claimed in delight when she finally noticed the young man walking towards her, who appeared to be smiling slightly.

"Seems like the orphanage is doing well," Eren spoke, before sitting down beside her. "You're doing a great job, your highness."

It seems that a mere compliment from the young man made her heart skip a beat, especially that he even smiled while praising her. Therefore, she quickly avoided his eyes as she blushed, saying, "Y-You don't need to address me like that," She quickly shot a glance at him. "Calling me by my name would be enough."

"Right.," he responded softly and shifted his attention towards the field. It was a nice, warm, sunny day, perfect for–

"So Eren, how are things going with the harbor?" Historia suddenly asked, she wasn't even sure if she pronounced the word, 'harbor' correctly since she only learned about the concept from Hange during one of their meetings the other week. "I heard that some of the Marleyan soldiers finally came in good terms with our people."

Eren only gave her a dismal expression then spoke, "Well, some of them. Don't believe such trivial rumors."

For the past few months, she noticed Eren's changing demeanor and wanted to know what he was actually thinking, what he felt, and some other important memory he came to gain during those past months. Since the last time Eren voiced his opinion was when he relayed the information about him touching a Titan with royal blood, can potentially activate the full power of the founding titan, which he kept from them just because he was worried about her well-being.

It was true that she appreciated Eren's decision, she understood his urge to finally settle their problem once and for all, to come and meet with Zeke, his half-brother, in order to activate the rumbling.. and if only they had more time..

"I saw some of the kids earlier, they grow up faster than I expected," Eren stated when he noticed the Queen spacing out.

"Ah.. yeah, some of the children might be bothersome at times, though seeing them so happy makes up for it." Historia quickly responded as she smiled.

"Running an orphanage must be fun. You have all the time to slack off, and sit under a tree for the whole day," He teased, then the blonde gave him an offended look, "Even if the military is secretly ruling the island, I'm still the Queen, so I need to attend their meetings, sign papers, and so on."

"The only time I can neglect my duties is when 'we hold hands for the whole day'." She added. He appeared to forgot what he came for in the first place, so he held her hand.

"That explains why you looked so stressed, you even have those deep eye bags." He again teased, causing Historia to touch her lower eyelids in surprise, releasing his hand in the process.

"I was joking," he chuckled. Her embarrassed blushing face lifted his mood for some reason. Again, he held her hand, now firmly, which she returned and immediately avoided his stare.

Eren then brought his gaze back upon the field in front of them, which gave him an idea.

"Since this is our day off, want to leave this place for a while?" He suggested as he stood up. Historia was taken aback by his statement.

"I cannot just–"

"–No worries, Floch will take care of the guards." Eren quickly claimed before she could refuse. He helped the Queen stand up and pulled her towards the stables.

"Eren, this is not a good idea–"

"–One horse should be enough right?" he again interrupted her so she gave in and mounted the horse, Eren following behind.

"Where are we even going?" she questioned, but he only smiled and answered, "You'll see."

It took them almost an hour-long to reach the shore.

As they were nearing the shoreline, it was visible from Historia's expression that she was truly amazed by the sight.

"You still haven't seen the ocean right?" Eren asked her, that's when she realized what she looking at.

Historia immediately ran towards the shoreline when they got off their horse, then threw her boots aside before walking towards the water.

The glimmering crystal clear water, captivated her, including the shimmering seashells and soft relaxing waves the water created. It was truly enchanting. Never in her life did she saw something so mesmerizing outside the walls.

"Armin was right!" she claimed in glee, as she watched the horizon in excitement. "He always talked about the ocean during our military training. I never knew it was this beautiful!" She happily said, now shifting her attention towards Eren, who was standing beside her.

"Isn't it beautiful Eren?" Historia asked while she broadly smiled at him.

"Yes, it is." He responded with a gentle smile, as he fondly gazed at her, even after she brought her attention back at the horizon.

"It's remarkably beautiful, Historia.." he continued, still staring at her gorgeously radiant expression.

Somehow, Eren's perspective of the ocean changed a bit. The ocean appears to be a lot more beautiful now...




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