Chapter 0

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The night was cool as the storm intensified outside but Byakuya Kuchiki was in a hell of his own making. His body shot through with tension and need that made it impossible for him to get any rest. His mind was no better. It's as if he's the target of an unrelenting barrage and he was losing. His own body was turning against him because all he could think about was Rukia lying beneath him, her sexy cries in his ears as he possesses her repeatedly with his stiffen flesh; her heeled boots digging into his back.

"Dark gods!" He curses with a miserable groan then turned from his back to his side, his breaths shallowing. Just envisioning that had his body thrumming.

No!  Ashamed at his thoughts, ashamed that he couldn't stop. Fucking powerless to get this under control...

Hours drained on yet his erection insisted doggedly. The swollen head jutted past the waistband of his hakama, the top glistening with beads of precum it had already offered up from the unbidden thoughts that streamline nonstop to his mind. Byakuya didn't know what else to do at this point. He already spent too much time in his shower, allowing the icy water to cascade over him and 'it'. If anything, he grew harder which frustrated the hell out of him! He had thought about touching himself and trying to release into his fist but to do that meant that he would have to think about Rukia, the very thing that he was trying not to do and failing! He removes the top half of his night attire and sweat rolled off his bare chest down his torso. His sack was so heavy, aching tremendously.

Damn it! Why the hell was he feeling so strongly about this now? Byakuya has not had to deal with this sort of thing in over fifty years so it felt nigh foreign to him to be sexually starving for release. Plus, the shame of masturbating to the image of Rukia, his sister, by marriage, yes- but still... it was sending him reeling as he obstinately acknowledges that he almost didn't feel any shame at all and he wondered what that meant. Perhaps the feeling was delayed and only his honor which he was holding on to with teeth, nail and some good old fashion Kuchiki stubbornness was preventing him from wrapping his fingers around his cock (again) and thrusting until his eyes rolled back while thinking about screwing Rukia's brains out.

Spent, up to my chin. I didn't even know I could cum so hard. Byakuya had thought dazedly on the second night in this week of sexual torment. Not even with Hisana-his late wife- had commanded such a reaction from him and Byakuya felt awash in dishonor anew for lusting after her sister like he was.

Disgraceful. Deplorable! Disgusting! He berated himself vitriolically constantly for allowing this to go on for as long as it has. His mood grew markedly more malodorous by the hour.

For the last few nights, ever since that crazy encounter between them in the Kuchiki Osen, he had found himself unable to sleep the night through. While at the barracks, he dives into his work, attacking reports with a lethal stroke of his quill terminating stacks of paperwork that might have taken days in hours. His mind kept thoughts of Rukia's naked body- of the steamy water sluicing over taut nipples, hanging from their pink edges like jewels, prisoner. Or on the backburner, as they say in the World Of The Living. But at night, his body was in utter torment. So much so, that on more than one occasion he had awakened to himself thrusting into the sheets or in his fist. The shameful acts confounded him but the pleasure-indescribable! Impossible to deny. Too much to bear. To his eternal disgrace, he continued each time unable to stop himself until there was release so violent, so intense that his shuddering torso was awash with sweat and seed with each episode. His teeth bit into the pillow to reduce the roars tearing from his throat as he climaxes.

Byakuya closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "Hisanna would turn in her grave if she knew the traitorous thoughts I'm failing to keep at bay." He said softly, his voice drowning in a blast of thunder.

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