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Aurora Blair

What are you doing here?

Why are you with San Sebastian?

Excuse me?

You deleted my number?


The excuse me actually meant, "Why the fuck are you being so nosy?"

Look, I get it, you're mad.

I am!

Never heard of the three month rule?

Never heard of formal closure?

What closure?

It's not as if we broke up or something, Theo.

But you were being unreasonable.

I gave you time, Aurora.

I tried to understand you.

But hell, why do I see you right now with this stupid ass?

First of all, he's not a stupid ass.

Second, I didn't asked you to do that.

Third, wasn't it obvious that I don't want anything to do with you anymore?

Then why the fuck are you mad seeing me here with Talia?!

Because I'm a bitch! I'm a selfish, unreasonable bitch.

And I don't know! Just....please.

Don't talk to me ever again.


9:04 p.m.

Putangina, Theo. What the hell happened to your hand?

Why is there a bruise at Uriel's cheek?

You know, you should thank me for not sending him to the hospital again.

Oh, look, who's being reasonable!

I'm in love, Aurora.

And I tend to be unreasonable when I'm jealous

Why? Did he hit on Talia?

Stop doing this to me.

What, Theo?

Stop making things hard for the both of us, stop hurting me.

You know what? It's a good thing that we didn't tried being committed to each other.

We won't work.

Stop, Aurora.

We're better off without each other, Theo.

Forget about me. Forget about what we had.

Because I'm sure as hell that it was nothing.

It was nice but I just got tired of it, you know?

You don't mean that.

Yes, I do.

I meant every word, Theo.

Then come the fuck here and look me in the eye, then you can tell me that you don't love me.

Consider it done.

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