My Friend

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I love my friend in the dark

How he talks and talks

Hiding in the shadows while I take walks

He goes with me to school

And when kids bully me

They never come back

And they leave me be

He sounds familiar

Like I've heard him before

But whenever I ask him

He will speak no more

I love my friend in the dark

How I can hear him smile

Telling jokes while laughing all the while

I love my friend in the dark

How he soothes me at night

Chasing the monsters away with a fright

I love how we got closer

He partially stepped into the light

His eyes are really pretty

They kind of look like mine

I asked him why do you always hide?

He started to shake and then he cried

I comforted him through the night hours

Holding him close

He then calmed down

And I started to doze

He carried me to the bed

And whispered goodnight

He then went back to the closet

Where my older brother had died...

My Friend In the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now