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'Fat,ugly,whore,slut,wannabe,runt,weak,slow,fat-ass' Many of the names I've been called. My name is Anniston Fitzpatrick and I am a werewolf. I'm treated as a slave by my own pack members and family. They beat me if I clean their rooms wrong or cook the wrong thing. I have to sleep in the attic on a 'bed' which is just a a metal frame with a small sheet and a pillowcase filled with old newspaper. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I wear rags as clothes because my pack thinks I'm a waste of space that they don't need to spend money on. They don't feed me so I'm skinny. And not just skinny I'm anorexic skinny. You can see the outlines of my bones. I have bruises covering everything. I have scars from when HE decided to cut me with a knife made of silver and covered in wolfsbane. The only two things that can kill any known werewolf.

But not me.

I'm different.

I'm special.

I'm a shifter.


Hey guys heaven here. I just wanted to say I hope you enjoyed the prologue. The pictured up above is ^ is Anniston. Portrayed by the famous Pretty Little Liars star Ashley Benson. I chose her because in a way Anniston is exactly like her. Shy and scared at first but then a total badass. The song up above ^ is Family Portraits by P!nk. And it basically tells Anniston's life story from start to finish. So please listen to it. Anyways guys I'm out. Peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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