Judging Rubric

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Attention ALL JUDGES! Our categories are filling up at a really high speed, and we find ourselves having a FULL GENRE! So, here is the rubric that all judges must use to put in their data!

Disclaimer: This rubric was made entirely by us at the Sakura Awards. If there are any other awards using LOGCUPS or GECKO please notify us!

 If there are any other awards using LOGCUPS or GECKO please notify us!

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Here at the Sakura Awards, we drink out of LOGCUPS.

10 points - Likeability: How much did you like the book? Rate how much you enjoyed it!

10 points - Originality: In a world where almost every type of book imaginable exists, rate how original the story was and how well it stands out!

10 points - Grammar: Grammar is the key to any story, rate how grammatically correct the author is!

5 points - Cover/Title: The title and cover of a book is what brings in readers. Rate how well they relate to the book!

5 points - Underrated: How underrated do you think the book is? These are like bonus points for the author. This category goes hand in hand with originality and likeability.

15 points - Plot: How good is the plot? Does it move the story like it is supposed to?

5 points - Summary: Rate how well the summary relates to the book!


Author username:
Judge username:

L score (out of 10 points)
O score (out of 10 points)
G score (out of 10 points)
C score (out of 5 points)
U score (out of 5 points)
P score (out of 15 points)
S score (out of 5 points)

Total out of 60 points

Say a few words about why you docked off points in certain areas.

Say a few words about why you docked off points in certain areas

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Now for Poetry, we use GECKO!

10 points - Grammar: Word choice and grammar are key to any good poem. Rate how well the author used vocabulary and grammar to convey their emotion!

20 points - Emotion: Poetry is all about conveying emotions. Rate how well the author conveyed these emotions!

5 points - Cover/Title: Covers and titles bring a story together. Rate how well the cover and title relate to the poems.

5 points - Keeper: Are the poems a keeper? This is basically the enjoyment and readability of the author's work.

10 points - Originality: In a world where almost every type of poem imaginable exists, rate how original the poems were and how well it stands out!


Author username:
Judge username:

G score (out of 10 points)
E score (out of 20 points)
C score (out of 5 points)
K score (out of 5 points)
O score (out of 10 points)

Total out of 50 points

Say a few words about why you docked off points in certain areas.

For all genres, the scores MUST be submitted through messaging or Discord (I, Maddie, will give you my discord if that is how you want to submit your judging scores through direct messaging.)


Thank you all so much for judging the Sakura Awards! Please feel free to ask any questions about the awards and about judging! The deadlines for your submissions as well as the stories you are judging will come out as the genres continue to fill up.

The Sakura Awards Spring 2020Where stories live. Discover now