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Anna p.o.v

"Adam you should at least have your breakfast"
I can't believe him. This guy always put his work rather than his health . I know as an alpha he has to be responsible . Doesn't mean he have to be a workaholic.
" Thanks Anna" he mumbled with toast in his mouth.

"Have this coffee " I hand him the cup. He chucked it down.
" Calm down stop eating like dog" I made a disgusting face.
He chuckled at my reaction
" can't sweety have to rush"
He bended down and place a kiss on my nose .it was sweet gesture developed  from  our childhood.
" See you at evening" he starts to walk towards the door.
" Wait" I almost yelled. He turned around with confusing look. He looks so adorable.
"I packed your lunch"  I handed the lunch box to him. His eyes soften

" Anna  I don't know what I will do with out you"
he give me a breath taking smile. Rushed out. I smiled at him,How he have move forward. He seems normal chirping guy but only I knew how broken he is, it's been 2 years since Mia left him alone In this world. It almost left him crazy , only I have seen him in is vulnerable state. He really is a strong alpha. No one survive after the death of their mate. They will conduct suicide or go crazy. Adam is truly amazing. I wish he will find his happiness again.
I am an Omega by birth,but I always feel special, most of time it's because having a alpha as your best friend . Your treated well if you are close to higher rank wolf. I don't know why people do that, we should friend from character not by look and rank. Adam turn out to be my best friend when I was 3 years old, during the time when I lost my family. He had always made me laugh and was able to distract me when  ever I miss my parents.

He was always there for me. When I need someone. I promised  I will always there for him too.

Adams p. O. V

This day is full of shit. First I have to attend a  marriage later a  meeting . I don't know what to do.  I glanced at the lunch box. A smile formed in my lips .I would been a mess with out her.After losing my Mia, I don't even want to live. It was Anna who given me strength to survive .pang of guilt and anger hit me like a bullet train . I am ashamed of myself. I shouldn't feel like this is to her she deserves much better, she have a mate out there. I am sure I will also fail to protect her , just like a I failed Mia. She is better of without me. She deserves a mate who protect and cherish her, not a failure like me. I brushed my thoughts away when car come to halt. I brushed of my thoughts and straighten my tuxedo. I entered the church filled with other wolf, even though we are not religious I think it's the part of civilization. I got inside church, that's when I noticed you forget to bring the present. Holy shit!
I called Anna she attend it at second ring .
"What did you forget?" She asked annoyingly

"Gift" I replied sheepishly.

"What ?"

"The wedding gift"

"What the fuck Adam, how could you forget a wedding gift , when you are attending a wedding."

" It's on my cupboard will you please bring it "

Urghh I could hear her groaning from other side of phone.

"please Anna" I make this puppy dog eyes I know even she couldn't see it, she couldn't resist me.
She signed"fine " I knew it.

" Just try to reach here with in an hour"
" Stop ordering around clumsy
idiot" she snapped at me.and cut the line.

Ok that went well,I went inside church as a alpha I was given front row. Alpha of legendary pack was handsome it was his unique color of blue shade made him more handsome. With in short time bride came to alter she was also gorgeous with her golden blond, alpha blood has its own perk.
Now I noticed bride and groom doesn't seem happy,their smile are forced and gestures are like they practiced ,it seems like they are forced into this marriage. That's odd mate will be crazy in love during their wedding Time. As time passes priest complete what ever he was reading couple started their vow . That's when I get her message. She is here outside. I sent a message to get inside quite.
"You may kiss the bride" sound of priest echoed in Hall. The couple had a passionate kiss. It was broken by a thud sound of something heavy hit the ground followed by a whimper hundred of head snapped to the entrance of church there stand my Anna with tearful eyes  and my gift lay under her legs before I could process what going on. I heard a thunderous growl followed by the claim"mate" by the newly wed groom.
I was hited be reality she was screwed by her own mate. Anger coursed through me. Before I could react her painful sobbing filled the church everyone went deadly silent .Her mate had a stoic face. Anger coursed through me all I could see was red before I could think I lunged at him. His lack of response made me livid "you sick son of bastard" I snarled  at me . That got his attention. All hell  broken. Both of us morphed in to our wolf .we could Sense fear among people. Fight between alpha's are nasty but I don't care he broken her ,he will pay for it. Before we could lay a blow we were forcibly shift back by elders. My breathing becoming heavy. My chest moved up and down, I forced myself not to lash at him.
  "Where is the girl" one of the elders asked all head snapped where she is or she was.  I was frozen at my place ,she is not there ,  she wasn't anywear  near the church her scent has fainted ,she was gone.
  She left me....

****.        ******. ******
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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