Her: A Trip to the Mall

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It was a chilling afternoon and my friends and I decide to go to the mall. We were in Charlotte Russe when I remembered I had something to tell them.
"So guys, guess who I saw Sunday at my concert." I said excitedly.
"Who?" Stella and Juliette said in unison.
"Remember that kid I mention a few weeks ago?" I asked.
"Yeah...why? Did you see him?," Stella asked.
"Do you think I should buy this cute beanie?" Juliette wondered.
Stella looked at her. "Focus!"
"Oh right, sorry," Juliette said, "You were saying?"
"Yeah I saw him last night!" I replied.
"Soooo what happened?" Stella asked.
I sighed. "Nothing...I saw him and didn't do anything...although I wrote this..." I handed them a piece of paper I wrote a short story on.
Juliette yawned. "Nothing new... So this beanie...?"
Stella took the paper and started to read it. "This is really good..here, Juliette, read this..." She handed the paper to Juliette. "Ugh not this again, can't you just stop with him?"
"Not really...trust me, I'm trying to get over him, seeing him really didn't help..." I said.
"Well it sure doesn't help talking about him, so I'm gonna buy this beanie and we can head to the food court to get some lunch." Juliette said, sounding slightly annoyed.

* * *

After we got something to eat at the food court, we decided we continued shopping. We all bought new clothes and then we stopped at Michael's to buy some more paint, I was running low.

* * *

After I had picked out the right paint, I started towards the brush isle (because my sister had ruined half of them). Stella and Juliette started to walked down the isle first. Stella immediately walked back out. Followed by Juliette, who was in a fit of laughter.
"I...think the paint isle this way, actually..." Stella said, suspiciously. She started walking the other way. Juliette was still laughing.
"Ummm... No... I'm pretty sure it's right here.." I said pointing at the sign.
I started walking down the isle, still facing Stella and Juliette, I wasn't sure I should turn my back on them.
Then I turned around to look for brushes. And I stopped in my tracks.

He was standing there. Looking at canvas.

I spun around. "Hey Stella! You know what I just remembered? I have a bunch of new brushes at home that I totally forgot about! Ha! How funny is that!" I walked past them briskly before they could see my face redden.
They caught up to me and restarted our conversation as if there had been no interruption. I looked behind me to see if I could catch a last glimpse of him.

He was gone.

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